Wednesday, December 30, 2009

21st December, 2012

    What is extra ordinary or special in 21st December, 2012? Certainly this question will rises in the mind of every person who will read it, then answer of this query is as per scientists it will be one more normal day but if one ignore scientists words and believe on astrologers then it will be horrifying and dangerous day for the existence of earth and mankind because after this day earth will destroy and it will not possible for any sign of life on earth planet, this observation can be seen on different numerous current affairs channels on different days making us to believe the prediction of astrologers and decoder is accurate. Then again question rises how they come up with such a scary conclusion that after 21st December,2012 earth will destroy, it’s ridiculous answer is that ancient American civilization by name Maya did lot of predictions and with passing time countless prove correct and as per Maya civilization calendar they have not mentioned any day after 21st December,2012 as per decoder of this civilization that it is not intentionally that they not mentioned after this date in their calendar but as per Maya civilizations reading after 21st December,2012 earth will destroy and then along with it life and human existence will also comes to an end. Seeing, hearing and reading one can say that prediction about end of earth or humanity or life will be theory or decoding of pessimist mind or creation of sensationalize media, just to make story from nothing and present to the world in scary way and for them it is merely a program but without any doubt they are making people scared with such a programme.
    Maya Civilization is ancient American civilization and it is believed that the classic Maya were literate and their writing system has been substantially deciphered, meaning that a corpus of their written and inscribed material has survived from before the European conquest and during their existence they made predictions and lot of till date prove correct but they never predict or observe that after 21st December,.2012 world will destroy it is the decoder who come up with such a horrifying conclusion that as Maya Civilization has not mentioned days after 21st December,2012 it mean they visulise that after this date earth and life will comes to an end. One has to remember astrologers and experts never ever always correct and accurate as they can only assess and predict with their calculations and rest is lies on time.
    Considering this current affair channels should avoid making any horrifying assumption which are based only on myth and predictions until and unless it is authentic because now a days media have very strong presence in the mind of every categories of society whether they are intellectuals, common people, and politicians watched very seriously and sincerely and do discuss on to the contents of these channels, so it become moral duty of these channels instead of making news sensational and horrifying, present them in simple way or they have lot of others issue whom they can give preference into their contents like inflation, corruption and adulteration which are enemies of common people and sadly common people have no source to raise their grievances and problems without any fear in their mind, no doubt some channels are giving preference into their contents of programme which are society based but they are merely five to seven percent of their twenty four hours broadcast which demand more consideration and focus on to the problem of society.
    21st December, 2012 is not a date whom one can consider a deadly day for humanity and earth which declared by decoders and experts and moreover one can enjoy the time instead of thinking unnecessarily on to the time which is almost 1095 days away from today which is very long time for a optimistic person as he always see the world from positive angle of side and for pessimist person even hours cannot change their ideology as he will look always and only on to half empty glass.

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