Friday, December 04, 2009

Electricity Crisis !

     In today’s environment to think life without electricity would be a cruel joke as human life is much more dependent on electricity now then it was ever before and not only more then seventy percent of home appliances’ used today are energy hungry plus every business device or utility run on electricity but across India power generation is far short then it’s demand ;instead of taking serious initiatives to get rid on the shortage by concerned ministry, authorities and states they are simply delaying and dragging by giving statements that in coming years shortage of power will be history but their delaying, ignoring and pretending tactics are harmful for industries and countries economy as industries and private business are one of the major contributor to economy and if they wont get desire electricity for their business to run and produce goods at full capacity then it is ridiculous to expect from their end increase of business and add more contribution to countries economy then past year.
    Punjab state is one of the few states of India which has huge gap between demand and supply in summer season and until last year in winter season consumer were getting uninterrupted power supply but in summer season to meet the increase power demand they buy electricity from other states in cash and also getting power from some states on banking basis (in summer season Punjab gets power from other states who had surplus in summer season and return back in winter season from Punjab) plus electricity produce by their source still they were short of power, thus to get rid on the power crisis of shortfall they impose undeclared, unscheduled power cuts in a day which this year in summer season touches’ sixteen to eighteen hours in cities also and reason behind long cuts declared by authority increase in power demand, less rainfall and increase of temperature. Willy nilly residents of states spent summer time in hope of to get uninterrupted power supply in winter season as assurance given by concerned authority in a statement before the start of October month that from next month that is October there will be no more power shredding, but this is the tragedy that only fifteen to twenty day passed without power cut but state residents keep on facing power cuts in the October month also which was in the beginning three hours cut but from this week onwards it is increase to four hours and reason given by authority that they have increase the mega watts to return to states they have taken power from states on banking basis, so it mean that state has to be under power cut throughout year whether it is summer season or winter season yes time will be reduce in winter season compare to summer season. Considering this now almost ninety to ninety five percent residents of Punjab have alternative of power cuts that is either have invertors or generators in their premises’ but this has almost double their spending on power as they are entitle for electricity bills plus they have to spend same amount of money on alternative of power that is invertors or generators. At the same time it is worth mentioning here that whenever election held in state people start getting uninterrupted power supply regardless it is time of summer or winter, if state is under shortage of power then why not authority take some harsh decision to pull state out of power crisis and some steps can be like this -
  • Make it mandatory for use of Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) and ban on sale and use of conventional bulbs, if somebody found using conventional bulbs then they should slap fine. The plus point of using CFL is that it not uses less electricity but also release more watts.
  • New constructions ask to use solar system upto 75 percent of their necessity of electricity until government not able to increase power generation.
  • Stop giving free power to every categories of consumer.
  • Stop giving subsidies power to any category of consumer.
  • Randomly raid on the premises of consumers to check power theft.
  • All existing Government departments and big consumers must use solar systems upto twenty five percent of their demand.
    No doubt it wont be taken with ease by the categories who are getting benefits from the government but until and unless state government unable to increase power generation then every facilities should be bar from government end.

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