Anna Hazare’s fast unto death in the month of April this year succeed to bend Government of India and it agree to constitute committee to form draft for Lokpal bill and later on it will be present in the parliament for next level of formalities to pass the bill as per our constitution, but after seven meetings despite differences on score of issues’ it was certain that either two draft will be tabled in the house or one draft will present in the house along with two clauses where both have differences’, but at the time of getting nod of cabinet government accepted only their version of Lokpal draft and rejected civil society draft and later on during monsoon session it table in the house. These whole developments make civil society members furious and Anna Hazare declared from 16
th August onwards he will start his protest against corruption and he and his team also burn copies of Government Lokpal bill on the day it was presented in the house but along with it clarify that their protest is not against parliament but it is against government and they have full respect for parliament, they keep on presenting their next moves through media that day onwards and also getting government response same way. Before week start of his second protest Anna Hazare and his team seek one of places from below mentioned five places’ –
but authority rejected it and allowed other places for protest but with terms, and later on offer JP Park for protest which was accepted by team Anna Hazare, but later on Delhi Police adds twenty to terms and asked them to submit affidavit that they have accepted twenty two terms but rejecting any single terms then they wont allowed JP Park for protest, team Anna was ready to give affidavit along with acceptance of sixteen terms, main points which were not acceptable to them were –
· Protest period will not more then three days
· Not more then five thousand peoples will be gathered in the park
· Not more then fifty cars will be allowed at parking place
Team Anna said that we cannot give you guarantee of above coded but it will be certainly on to the parameter of constitution, like –
· Their protest will be on the motto of non violence
· They or their supporters will not destroy government property
· They will protest peacefully
· They will be without any arms
Delhi police declared that if team Anna wants any place for protest then they have to submit affidavit in support of twenty two terms other wise they won’t allow to protest. Then Anna Hazare write letter to PM to intervene and allow them to get place for protest, but PM reply that do contact with concerned authority as he cannot do anything in this regards. Till Saturday evening there was confusion in the air and nobody was sure where Anna will do his protest on sixteenth of August, and to get nod through Apex court it was not possible due to holidays. Then on the eve of 15
th August at 4 p.m. Anna silently went to the Rajghat which is smadhi sathal of Mahatma Gandhi and was there till quarter to seven, but during his stay police personnels, public and media were presents in huge numbers and nobody was sure what will happen next, but as Anna had to address the media at seven fifteen to announce his next action, so there he announce that peoples of the country switch off their lights at eight in the night till nine of night in support of anti corruption movement, and also join him in heavy numbers from tomorrow onwards considering it their national duty. He will start his protest from JP Park which was previously allowed to him by police but later on they adds terms and despite section 144 was imposed around the areas, so that Anna and his supporters won’t start their protest, it wont stop them, On sixteenth August at seven fifteen when Anna was getting down from lift he was arrested and police took him in their custody plus his other team members were arrested from other places, non stop media coverage on to his protest and support from different part of the country in huge numbers make other activities and news dwarf in the country. So coming time will unfold who have final say team Anna or Government as right now both are stick on to their respective stands, it has seen that government of India tone is now soft towards Anna Hazare.
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