Gmail before 1st April,2004 better known as Google search engine then seeing the possibilities to capture the market entered web mail service on 1st April 2004 when it announced that Gmail will give storage capacity of 1 Giga Bytes (G.B.) then every body both experts and net users treated it as a April fool joke because at that time all well known and most used web mail services’ were giving storage facilities of only 4 to 6 Mega Bytes (M.B.) which is 1018 M.B. less space as 1G.B. is equal to 1024 M.B,but When Google launched it’s Gmail service to limited numbers of user but with 1 G.B. inbox facility and on 1April,2009 Gmail celebrates it’s fifth birthday but in five years despite Gmail is still in Beta form added lot of stuff and now it’s user find it far ahead from existing web mail service providers. Below are Gmail’s unique features which make it different from other web mail services’ and most acceptable web mail as these all features are integrated into Gmail so with one click user can take advantages of these features –
First user has to click on to SETTINGS which is on right hand top of screen and there under thirteen tabs different options are available and as per likings and choices one can set them
• General Tab – under language sub tab user can set language as per his choice with whom he feel comfortable instead of default language English U.S.; also set language to translate any email he received in lot of world’s most used languages with click of button plus user can compose mail in his native language also depending upon the location he reside in other then English, then as per his choice user can set number of messages to be display per page, and if any message sent then sender realize he need to add something then still it can be cancelled and it would not be deliver but sender has to act maximum in ten seconds, Signature whom activating one can set his choice of words whom after reading receiver easily find mail as authentic and forward by you.
• Accounts Tab – Here user will find very good and unique setting and activating it user can send from Gmail itself emails of his other accounts to any accounts.
• Labels Tab – User can assign different colour labels to his address book contacts and when he will receive mail and click labels option then it will be appear in colour and name of that label of contact.
• Filters Tab – By activateting filter incoming mail will be deliver with labels colour and one easily differentiate from other incoming email.
• Forwarding and Pop / Imap Tab – By enabling this tab whenever email comes to inbox it will send copy or original email to activated id depending upon the command given to this tab.
• Chat Tab – depending upon the user one can enable audio and video, emoticons and even save his chat history.
• Web Clips Tab – from six titles one can activate as per his choice numbers of web clips he wants to display on to his inbox top .
• Gadgets Tab- From Google’s countless gadget library one can activate his choice of gadgets and method of its activation is quite simple –pick any gadgets then click on to link share with there a code will appear copy it and paste on to gadgets box ,just to simplify further below is example –
Go to gadgets library and click on to any gadgets whom you want to enable into your Gmail homepage and then click on to gadget’s title one more pop up will open then click on to the link SHARE THIS GADGET click on to or copy and paste this link to gadget box, like I have below mentioned a code and every gadget code is same just like this–
then delete the code from right hand side ( end ) the words until xml and from http which is above before moduleurl=delete all the code behind http so above coded code will be like this
copy it and paste this code in the gadgets box and it will appear in your Gmail homepage, this way any gadget can be activate.
• Labs Tab – Till date it has 50 labs and by enabling different labs one can enjoy different facility provided to Gmail user
1 Offline
Make Gmail go where the Internet doesn't. Access your inbox through your browser and use Gmail's familiar features when you're offline. To get started, enable this lab and then click on the "Offline" link in the upper-right of your Inbox.
2 Tasks
Tasks adds a to-do list to Gmail. After adding the lab, click the Tasks link above the chat box on the left-hand-side of the page. Your task list will appear on the right – click anywhere in the list and start typing to add a task.
You can also create a task from an email: from the More Actions menu, choose Add to Tasks when viewing an email, or press shift+T if you have keyboard shortcuts enabled. For more shortcuts, explore the Actions menu at the bottom of your task list.
3 YouTube previews in mail
Shows a video preview whenever you receive a YouTube link in an email. You can watch the video right inline!
4 Picasa previews in mail
Shows photos previews whenever you receive a Picasa link in an email.
5 Flickr previews in mail
Shows photos previews whenever you receive a Flickr link in an email.
6. Yelp previews in mail
Shows previews of Yelp listings (rating, location, phone number, etc.) whenever you receive a Yelp link in an email.
7 Message translation
Uses Google Translate to translate messages you receive in other languages.
8. Quick Links
Adds a box to the left column that gives you 1-click access to any bookmarkable URL in Gmail. You can use it for saving frequent searches, important individual messages, and more.
9 Superstars
Adds additional star icons. After enabling this feature:
(i) Go to the "General" Settings page to choose which superstars you wish to use.
(ii) Use either the keyboard shortcut ('s') or click to rotate through your selected superstars.
(iii) Use the search operator "has:" to find all messages with your superstar (e.g. "has:red-bang", "has:blue-star"). Learn the name of a superstar by hovering over its image in the "General" Settings page.
10 Pictures in chat
See your friends' profile pictures when you chat with them.
11 Fixed width font
Adds an option to the reply dropdown menu that lets you view a message in fixed width font.
12 Custom keyboard shortcuts
Lets you customize keyboard shortcut mappings. Adds a new Settings tab from which you can remap keys to various actions.
13 Mouse gestures
Use your mouse to navigate with gestures. Hold right-click and move the mouse left to go to a previous conversation, move it right to go to the next conversation, and move up to go back to the inbox view. Works best on Windows.
14 Signature tweaks
Places your signature before the quoted text in a reply, and removes the "--" line that appears before signatures.
15 Random Signature
Rotates among random quotations for your email signature.
16 Sender Time Zone
Should I reply to this mail or just call the guy? Ooops… it's 1 am. Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb…
17 Custom date formats
Adds options to the general settings page allowing the date and time format to be changed independent of language. For example, you can use a 24-hour clock (14:57) or show dates with the day first (31/12/07).
18 Muzzle
Conserves screen real estate by hiding your friends' status messages.
19 Old Snakey
Kick it old school with Old Snakey! Enable keyboard shortcuts and hit '&' from the main page to play a game of snake.
20 Email Addict
Lets you take a break from email and chat by blocking the screen for fifteen minutes and making you invisible in chat.
21 Right-side chat
Move the chat box to the right side of the inbox.
22 Right-side labels
Move the labels box to the right side of the inbox.
23 Hide Unread Counts
Hides the unread counts for inbox, labels, etc.
24 Advanced IMAP Controls
Choose which labels show up in IMAP, turn off message auto-expunging, or trash messages when they're deleted from IMAP.
25 Canned Responses
Email for the truly lazy. Save and then send your common messages using a button next to the compose form. Also automatically send emails using filters.
26 Default 'Reply to all'
Make 'Reply to all' your default option for responding to emails.
27 Quote selected text
Quote the text you have selected when you reply to a message. (Now works with the mouse, too!)
28 Navbar drag and drop
Allows you to reorder the items in your navbar using drag and drop.
29 Mail Goggles
Google strives to make the world's information useful. Mail you send late night on the weekends may be useful but you may regret it the next morning. Solve some simple math problems and you're good to go. Otherwise, get a good night's sleep and try again in the morning. After enabling this feature, you can adjust the schedule in the "General" settings page.
30 Forgotten Attachment Detector
Prevents you from accidentally sending messages without the relevant attachments. Prompts you if you mention attaching a file, but forgot to do so.
31 Vacation Time!
Lets you specify starting and ending dates for the vacation auto responder.
32 Custom Label Colors
Lets you create your own combination of colors for labels. Instead of choosing one of the standard colors from the label dropdown menu, click on Add custom colors. Pick your combination of colors, hit Apply, and enjoy.
33 Mark as Read Button
Tired of spending all that effort to click on the more actions menu every time you want to mark messages as read without reading them? Now just enable this lab and that is just a button click away!
34 Go to label
Enable keyboard shortcuts and hit 'g' then 'l' to display a popup for selecting a label to go to. Also works with Quick Links.
35 Inbox preview
Show a simple, static preview of the inbox while loading.
36 Multiple Inboxes
Add extra lists of emails in your inbox to see even more important email at once. The new lists of threads can be labels, your starred messages, drafts or any search you want, configurable under Settings.
37 Google Search
Displays Google search results inside your mail window, letting you quickly find things and use them when you're writing an email.
38 Create a Document
Allows you to create a Google Document from an email conversation or a new blank document if your keyboard shortcuts are enabled by hitting 'g' then 'w'.
39 Filter import/export
Export your mail filters as a file: back them up, share them, or save them before deleting so you can restore them later. Import one of these files to quickly add or restore filters. These options become available under Settings/Filters when you enable this Lab.
40 Text Messaging (SMS) in Chat
Allows you to send and receive text messages (SMS) in Chat. US phones only for now.
41 Send & Archive
Adds a button to the compose form that lets you send a reply message and archive the email conversation in a single action.
42 Undo Send
Oops, hit "Send" too soon? Stop messages from being sent for a few seconds after hitting the send button.
43 Title Tweaks
Changes order of elements in the browser title bar. This way you are able (most of the time) to see if a new mail has arrived even if Gmail window is minimized.
44 Suggest more recipients
Once you pick some email recipients, Gmail suggests more people you might want to include based on the groups of people you email most often.
45 Search Auto complete
Provides search suggestions for contacts and operators as you type in the search box.
46 Inserting images
Allows you to insert images into a message body. You can upload and insert image files in your computer, or insert images by URLs.
47 Extra Emoji
Compose messages with a richer set of emoji characters.
48 Google Calendar gadget
Adds a box in the left column which shows your Google Calendar. See upcoming events, locations, and details.
49 Google Docs gadget
Adds a box in the left column which displays your Google Docs. Shows recent docs, starred docs, and has fast search.
50 Add any gadget by URL
Adds a "Gadgets" tab to Settings, where you'll be able to specify the URL of any gadget. This gadget will show in a box in the left column
• Multiple Inboxes Tab – by activating multiple inboxes user can get different mails in different inboxes like email from particular id will land in that inbox or making spam folder all spam will land there and from one click user can delete all the email of spam .
• Offline Tab – by sync mail to particular computer and downloading software user can see mail even when he is offline .
• Keyboards Shortcuts Tab- all the shortcut related to Gmail one can get information by clicking Keyboards Shortcuts.
• Themes Tab – 31 premade themes are available and by clicking on to desire themes homepage will change to activated theme, even if user want to make his own theme this option is also available to the user and he can make theme of choice.
Other then this lot of other integrated stuff is available to whom one can use with click of mouse and they are below coded –
1. Orkut - Social site available for user of Gmail account holder after entering Gmail user name and password one connected to world’s online net community who uses Orkut social service.
2. Calendar – User of Gmail account has advantage to store important tasks and reminders of important days or events which is important to him and it will appear in email as reminder on desire day so know forget to use word again if you are user of Gmail that you forget because of busy or hectic schedule as Gmail calendar has taken your burden .
3. Documents – User can instead of sharing there important documents through attachments can send link of any document and allow permission as viewer or collaborator and as per permission other can watch or add comments, edit documents.
4. News – Enjoy world’s news as it happen as it refresh every 10 to fifteen minutes and it can be read in different language’s of all type of news whether it’s sports ,religious,politics,science,health,country specific,internet,science infect on all the topics.
5. Blog – Gmail user if they have passion of writing and not found any plate form to get exposer of their talent then Gmail has solution of this through blogspot one can write blog on to this site on any subject and there is no limitation and restriction to write on particular subject ,plus one can also earn on to his blog by activating Ad sense.
So do enjoy and use Gmail which has offered lot to it’s user but without charging any money which make quote wrong
There is no free lunch
And if one has interest and hobby to use maximum available to him then certainly Gmail is good stop for him.