Saturday, January 02, 2010

Regression Therapy !

      Human are full of unresolved mysteries for scientists till date, despite countless research on them still lot of layers are yet to be removed which give feel that we are where we were as far human related issues’ are concern. Despite born from same parents and upbringing in same atmosphere still there is lot of difference between children of a family namely physique, colour, height, education, nature and career wise and to differentiate exactly the reason behind this, it comes under the domain of scientists. It is commonly believe that human mind is the most complex part of body and it is never ever used hundred percent by any human beings but as per research on an average it is merely three to five percent utilized by human beings. Mind control and govern the body as every part react immediately after getting signals and direction from mind. Our mind can be divided further into three sub categories –
  • Conscious Mind - It is active, control and use by person when he is awaking and physically active.
  • Sub Conscious Mind - It is the mind when human beings are not active like sleeping then in dreams one visit, see, experience different visions are because of sub conscious mind.
  • Super Sub Conscious Mind - It is the treasure vault of human beings which store almost every incidence of previous lives but it is not possible for every human to control, read and decode it as it need special skills, study, preceptor, devotion, training to become master and sometimes when a person get skill/power then lack of good preceptor/master it can be harmful and dangerous as it can disturb normal functioning of mind.
    So one can say human assets is mind and good, sound and positive mind is boon for society and negative, disturbing and bad mind is bane for society and it’s atmosphere. Some life born with extra ordinary mind which at very tender age start showing wonderful stuff and often people calling it God gifted but some person carry on phobia, disease which in medical term incurable but it can be possible to heal or give relief to person through hypnotism or regression therapy. Expert of Regression therapy takes concerned person to his previous life which becomes reason of phobia or disease in current life.
  • Regression Therapy  – Regression therapy is a therapeutic process that uses one’s earlier life experiences as source material to resolve current problems. This concept is similar to psychodynamic therapy. However, regression therapy is more solution-focused, whereas psychodynamic therapy is more interested in the process and the experience. Past life therapy encompasses all the same techniques and theories as regression therapy, however, the boundaries are lifted from the conscious mind, enabling the client to explore a past-life.
  • How It Work –The technique used during past life regression involves the subject answering a series of questions while hypnotized to reveal identity and events of alleged past lives, a method similar to that used in recovered memory therapy and one that similarly misrepresents memory as a faithful recording of previous events rather than a constructed set of recollections. The use of hypnosis and suggestive questions makes the subject particularly likely to hold distorted or false memories. The source of the memories is more likely cryptomnesia and confabulations that combine past experiences, knowledge, imagination and suggestion or guidance from the hypnotist than recall of a previous existence. Once created, the memories are indistinguishable from memories based on events that occurred during the subject's life. In a regression session, the client is gently and safely guided back in time to the event/events which have led to their current complaint. Upon the acknowledgement of the event clients can release the long held memory, bring to the conscious level the occurrence and heal the triggering ailment at the core level....the cellular memory level.
Now a days it can be understand by any Indians as one of the programme related to this therapy is being telecast on NDTV Imagine Channel.

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