Sunday, January 03, 2010

Sankata Chaturthi !

    Indian ladies especially mothers throughout year on different occasions observe fast for the prosperity of the their families, long lives of their husbands and prosperity and healthy lives of their sons' and to name these days/festivals Karva Chauth, Ahoi Ashtami and Sankat Chaturthi and today is one of these category festival by name Sankat Chaturthi fast.
    This day falls on the fourth day of the dark half of Magha (Jan -Feb). Many accounts hold this tithi to be the birthday of Lord Ganesh. On this day of Lord Ganesh. On this day fast (Varta) is observed in the honour of Ganesh and it ensures wisdom, trouble-free life and prosperity. It is also called 'Sankat Chauth'. There is folk-tale related to this festival. This story is related by ladies among themselves on Sakat (Sankat) - Chauth day in the evening. It highlights the importance of sesame (til seeds) on this day.
  • Legend of Sankata Chaturthi - There was an old lady who used to keep 'Sakat-Chaturthi' (Sankata Chaturthi) fast. It is due to this fast that everything was in order in this house with the grace of Lord Ganesh. The neighbors as usual - were jealous of her house's prosperity. A lady in the neighborhood poisoned the ears of the old lady's son. She said to the old lady's son: "You always labour hard in the fields and get so little to eat. But your mother enjoys the best of food on the pretext of her observance of fast." The old-lady, unmindful of this vicious brainwashing-campaign started by her neighbours kept her fast as usual when Sankat Chauth fell next. In the evening, she cooked sweet Pakoras (Gulgulas) for her exclusive consumption apart from other things. She was about to break her fast when her son returned from the fields. He said to his mother “Our neighbours are right. That lady confided in me the pretext you employ to eat choicest food items. While you offer me only dry bread! Now I should not stay with you. I shall leave this home for ever. Puzzled and dismayed, the old lady said: "My dear son, I keep these fasts only for your well-being. Don't leave me alone in this old age." But her son would not listen to her. As he was determined to leave home, the old lady finally said "Do as you like. But do me one last favour. Take these til seeds with you. Sprinkle them around you whenever you sense any danger." Accepting his mother's advice the son moved on, leaving the house. Soon he reached a vast wilderness on the way. To his great consternation he spotted a lion standing close by. The son remembered his mother's advice and took out some of the til seeds and sprinkled them around him, saying in his mind lf my mother took her fasts for my well being, move the lion should away from my sight, the lion soon went away. And the son carried on his journey. He thought that it was by chance that the lion had moved away. Then he came before a swollen river obstructing his way. He wanted to cross it. Again he sprinkled the sesame seeds around him and said in his mind: "If my mother took her fasts for my well being the river should give way to me:' And suddenly he found the river's waters receding. The boy heaved a sigh of relief. But he thought, again it was a sheer chance that the river had receded to give him way. Continuing his journey, he felt now hungry and thirsty. Spotting a hut nearby he went inside it. There he found an old woman. She was cooking 'Puras' (sweet cakes) and was weeping bitterly. He said "O old lady, why are you crying?" The lady replied "For no particular reason." But the boy persisted with his query as he wanted to know the truth. Then that old lady confided in him "The king needs sacrifice for his furnace. It is now my son's turn. I am preparing best dishes for him." The boy said : "I am also hungry. You feed me with this food. I shall offer myself for the sacrifice in place of your son." The lady said "0 dear boy, you do take this food to fill your hungry. But how can I force someone else's son for this sacrifice just in exchange of little food. I am not that selfish." The boy enjoyed the food and had a sound sleep. Next morning, the King's messenger knocked at old lady's door and asked for her son. The old lady could not dare awaken the boy. She shuffled the utensils deliberately again and again to break his sleep. At last the boy got up and said: "What's the matter ?" The old lady said: "The king's messengers have come." The boy accompanied the messengers. At King's place, they made him sit on a platform and asked him to get into a big pot. Other pots were arranged in the form of a furnace and the furnace was set on fire. The boy felt the heat. He also sensed danger to his life. He then, remembered his mother's words. He took out the 'til' seeds and sprinkling them around him, again said in his mind. "If my mother took her fasts for my well-being let the fire spare my life." Normally it used to take the furnace six months to get ready. Strangely the king felt the necessity for some pots just after three days. He asked the potter for some pots. He went near the furnace. To his great surprise, he found all the pots ready for use. The potter informed the king about the strange happening. The king then came close to the furnace along with his courtiers and ordered that all pots be removed. When the men were about to remove the last pot, they heard a sound which said : "Please remove this pot gently." All the men, there, were frightened. The last pot was removed gently. To their great surprise, the boy was sitting in it safe and in a. meditative posture. The til seeds around him had sprouted. Coming out of the pot the boy told the whole story which made the king stop the practice of human sacrifice and ordered his subjects to keep fast on all the fourth days of the waning moon. He then married off his daughter to the boy. When the boy was returning home with his bride, the neighbor saw the couple. She went to that old lady whose son that boy was, and said : "Your son is coming with a beautiful bride. He has a cartload of wealth. You receive them at the door." The old lady said : "You were responsible for my son's going into exile. Don't ever pollute anyone's mind like you polluted my son's mind. It does good to no one." In the mean time the royal couple (the boy with his bride, the royal princess) reached home and both of them touched the old lady's feet who ever kept fast for his son's well being.
Moral :- Besides stressing on the need for keeping fast on this pious day it also warns against jealousy felt by the people at their neighbor's peace and prosperity. Lord Ganesh is said to be the Lord who can remove all obstructions from one's path to success. Hence his worship on Sankat Chauth.
      It is believed that keeping fast on this day ensures trouble less rest of the year for the  performer. May Lord Ganesh shed his benign grace on every one .

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