Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Impossible or I M POSSIBLE: Up To You

    God has given mind to human beings, which makes them superior from all the living beings, and if it is utilize with focus one can do amazing things, which not only surprise others but also become reason to bite their fingers, It’s example are scattered around us. Mind is such a powerful organ in human body that if it is intact in the body then without the help of any other part can create wonders but at the same time if all the body parts are fully operational but mind is not working then in medical terms person is called mentally retarded and his/her life is worthless as he/she always need help of others and he/she depended on others to move towards any direction even single step. Around us everything created, innovative and produce by human beings are courtesy tiny but supreme part of our body that is mind.
    Often we use to listen from people blaming God or their bad luck like God has given nothing to him/her or whenever he/she do anything, it resulted in negative, but instead they should consider their approach towards task as there is saying –
  • Whether you believe you can do something or you believe you cannot you are right.
  • The mind is in its place and in itself makes heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.
because if we made mind I cannot do this or it is impossible or I will be failure, then mind respond in such a manner that it resulted in exactly the failure. Words like failure, impossible are found in the lexicon of negative and pessimist minds as even if we read or focus on the below mentioned words it speaks opposite but only for positive minds as pessimist will find only negative side of it –
                 Impossible   or   I  M  Possible   up  to  you
below are two inspiring and real stories which happened in the past and for average people it’s a miracle or amazing but with devotion and hard work they can create wonders –
  • Rajesh Pillai, Physically challenged , as he lost his both the hands in an accident when he was child, then after loosing his hands he started begging and along with it he use to smoke with his foot’s fingers. One day at the Shivaji Terminal he was begging and also smoking, the words expressed by N.G.O. members changed his life the words were, “If You can smoke from the fingers of your foot then certainly you can use pen with these fingers also.” These words become motivation in the life of Rajesh Pillai and after the treatment from rehabilitation centre, he left smoking. Then he started studying, with practice he started writing from his foot’s fingers. This year in the month of February, Maharashtra States’ Tenth Examination, despite he was offered by school a writer, but he deny it and gave exams with his foot’s fingers and got 71 % marks which is a miracle and motivation for others.
  • Sometimes back a kid, hails from backward state of India Jharkhand, deep interior, aged around eleven, reside in the area where more then eighty percent are illiterate and even he was student of such a school where after middle English language starts, surprise everybody of his village when he started speaking English with American accent, it become big news for channels and they started covering his story with their opinion like rebirth of American citizen, some type of shock has taken him to his past life etc. etc., and after one week times mystery cleared as he break his silence and tell the truth on camera that he like English with American accent, I don’t know how and when it become passion in me to speak in American accent and then just three months back he purchased movies from the market having American style, after watching these movies with full concentration and with practice I can now speaking English like an American.
        Above coded two stories of two Indian youth, tells that if we make mind to do anything, then anything can be achieved, but necessity is, it needs determination, hard work and positive approach towards the goal then –
                    Impossible  is  I  M  Possible

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WELCOME n Thanx for yourgoodself's valuable thoughts, certainly for me these words are Gem and will give me direction.........Nartan Gulal