Thursday, March 31, 2011

New Layers in Telecom Scam

      Andimuthu Raja, former Union Telecommunication Minister, who resign last year from the ministry due to allegations of scam in the allotments of 2G Spectrum while superseding norms and become reason of lose to government exchequer of 1.76 trillion rupees, then later on probe begins and now Andimuthu Raja is facing the trail. It is believe that score of other faces’ are behind the mask and once the investigation completed then few more names can also comes on to the radar of telecom scam and they can be from the fields of politics and Industrial houses’ of the country. As per reports aide of Andimuthu Raja, Shahid Balwa had given 40 million rupees to Narendar Mohan Singh who is son of Kripashankar on different occasions, Kripashankar is president of Indian National Congress Mumbai unit, so investigation which was around DMK party, with this exposure has taken Indian National Congress in its grip also, soon decisive report on telecom scam is going to be present in Supreme Court and as per speculations it will include few names from well known Industrial houses’ of the country, which are right now providing telecom services’ to the citizens of the country.
      Under the Right to Information Act, Sanjay Tiwari, seeks information, Bombay High Court on the petition  of Sanjay Tiwari asked Enforcement Director and Income Tax Department to give details up to 31st March,2011 of Narendar Mohan Singh Bank Accounts ; Shahid Balwa had given 40 million rupees, through bank accounts on different occasions to Narendar Mohan Singh, but clarifying the amount reached in his son’s account Kripashankar said 40 million rupees was loan taken by his son and same amount he has returned also and whole information is lying with income tax department also due to transaction were made through cheques’, so anybody can verify it nothing is hidden in this regard, but certainly until and unless 31st March it is tough time for Indian National Congress as it is very first time name of Indian national congress party comes on to the telecom scam, previously it was moving around DMK Party only; soon decisive investigation reports is going to be submit by the CBI in the Apex Court of country, and clouds of speculation are hovering in the industrial houses’ circles, no body sure what it is going to explode bombs of revelation? If well known names comes in the list of telecommunication scam then it will be very tough for them to escape as in same scam, Shahid Balwa who is close aide of Andimuthu Raja is behind the bar and if any other name appear or accused in the investigation report then it has to be decide by the Supreme Court’s two judge bench how to take action against these companies whose names jumps in the list of telecom scam as in same case two different standard cannot set, but certainly this time it wont be easy for any accused to escape despite there is rumour that would be name in the list have very high levels contact, so coming time is not easy for the political parties and well known industrial houses’ as investigation report will open more layers in the telecom scam.
    The day decisive report submits in the Supreme Court by CBI, it will be interesting to see names accused in the list and how Supreme Court declares its verdict? Will it cancel the licenses’ of accused companies or they will be leniently punished?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Self Imposed Curfew

      Today Indian Cricket Team is going to play at 2.30 p.m.( Indian Standard Time) against their arch rival Pakistan at Punjab Cricket Association Stadium in Mohali for second Semi-final of International Cricket Council’s Cricket World Cup 2011, and it is considered by the experts, former cricketers as mother of all battles, for both countries cricket fans and teams it is not acceptable easily to lose game against each others as it hurt, tease, upset and annoying them for quite a long period, yet they can bear without any tension defeat against any other country even in the finals, hence it put additional pressure & tension on to the players as it is accepted by former players lot of times. Media of both form electronics and press hype the game so much before the start of match three to four days in advance and create lot of acceptation from the players to deliver for there country and on the ground it does not look both teams sportsmen are playing, instead they appear as proxy warrior which have command of country to deliver not less then victory, and it is worth mentioning here that both teams are playing against each other first time since 26th November, 2008 terrorist attack in Mumbai which better known as 26/11.
    Prime Minster of India Doctor Manmohan Singh sent invitation to the Prime Minister & President of Pakistan to see the match in stadium, on very next day when India defeat Australia in the quarter finals and the fixture of second Semi-final is schedule to held on 30th March,2011 which are going to played between India and Pakistan, and as per information Prime Minister of Pakistan has accepted the invitation and he is going to be present in the stadium along with his team of 100 delegates, score of other dignitaries from India are also going to watch the match from stadium to cheer for Indian cricket team and they will be from the fields of politics, Industry and film fraternity, ignoring the request by authorities that V.V.I.P. watch match from there homes as it is creating tough situation for the security personals plus as per information at Chandigarh airport there is no place for planes to park and personal choppers are going to stationary at Amritsar Airport. As per news ICC has ban and cancel the passes of news channels to cover the reports during and after match and BCCI is trying to settle the matter.
      Today at 2.30 p.m., second Semi-final will start as it is day and night game and in the country after that time there will be self impose curfew in the country till last ball of the second team’s innings and inside the stadium there will be almost 60,000 eyes cheering for Indian and Pakistan cricket team’s high voltage clash and outside stadium within country it is expected over one billion eyes or half a billion persons will be glue to there television sets and countless will magnet with there television sets across the globe where ever Indian resides, they wont miss single ball irrespective of there time it suit them or not, same thing will apply on to Pakistani fans, as per record of world cup matches between both the countries till date, they had met in the past four times and all the matches won by Indian cricket team, they are –
  • 4th March 1992 (Group stage) - India won by 43 runs; however, Pakistan qualified from the group and went on to beat England in the finals.
  • 9th March 1996 (Quarter Final) - India won by 39 runs; India lost in the Semi Final from Sri Lanka.
  • 8th June 1999 (Super Six stage) - India won by 47 runs; this was India's only win in the Super Six. Pakistan lost in the final against Australia.
  • 1st March 2003 (Group stage) - India won by 6 wickets; India qualifies from the group.
Past games are history and they can make winning team bit confident but on the given day any team can win or one can say team perform better in all the departments of the game like batting, fielding, bowling plus mix of little luck also, but if we go through the quarter finals of both the team, then Pakistan thrash West Indies convincingly –
  • Pakistan beat West Indies by 10 wickets
  • India beat Australia by 5 wickets
In this scenario if anybody ask from Indian fans who will win then without taking breath will shout for India and if he/she is Pakistani fans then they will say Pakistan, right now if we are MISSING anybody whose predictions were proved almost hundred percent then he is PAUL THE OCTOPUS but unfortunately he is no more, so picture will clear once the second innings 50 overs completed or team batting second all out.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

MNP & Cell Companies

     On 20th January this year across country Telecom Regulatory Authority of India(TRAI) implemented Mobile Number Portability or MNP after getting successful results in Haryana where it was launched in the month of November last year. MNP was feeling badly in the country by customers in the environment of stiff competition as in every circle (normally a circle is area of a state but in cases of big states it is divided into two circles) and service providers were using the marketing glitches to woo customers but often subscribers had found there is lot of differences between marketing terms and services and feel as if he/she was exploited by the operators. Right now as per stats of Cellular Operators Association of India (COAL) till the month of January 2011 total number of subscriber base of cell user in the country was 771 million, so considering stiff competition, scores of operators exit in one circle and marketing glitches used by cellular operators MNP comes as a very handy tools for the subscribers as they can dump any operator as per there choice if they are not happy with there service provider by switching another operator of there circle with same number by paying nominal MNP fees of rupees nineteen. MNP make cell operators on to there feet not only to give better connectivity but also attractive packages to retain there exiting subscribers plus also glue new customers. Subscribers will have the option at there disposal to choose operator as per there choice only restriction apply on them to use MNP is the gap of at least ninety days.
     Mobile Number Portability is a tool by using this option customer can switch to another company, whom he/she consider as the best service provider, beauty of this tool is that they can carry there existing number in spite of changing company by paying small fees of rupees nineteen, then it is the liabilities of the service providers to issue the same number to the customer within stipulated time frame of forty eight hours, finding themselves in the tight spots it was believed that companies will come up with new packages just to become magnet and pull other companies customers. It is just two month period since MNP comes into effect in the country and as per news biggest looser and winner of MNP is Reliance Communication and Vodafone Essar respectively. Stats provided by the Cellular Operators Association of India in its websites reveals that across country less then one percent have use the MNP, which stands five million but it was believe pre MNP era that once MNP comes into force then lot of churn will happen among cell subscribers and ten to fifteen percent customers will choose the MNP tools in the very first month. Three companies that added maximum number of subscribers are –
  • Vodafone Essar – 1,92,761
  • Idea Cellular – 1,50,789
  • Airtel – 1,48,215
and in the list of top looser is –
  • Reliance Communication – 3,06,417
Thanks to MNP that cell subscribers of the country get option to use cellular service as per their wishes and when ever they feel necessity at the time of not satisfied with there cell operator then can easily choose there desire operator of its circle, but only five million change there operators against the predicted ten to fifteen percent, which is even less then one percent, it is the lesson in the post MNP era for the service operators that they have to give better connectivity and plan package other wise they will be prove next biggest looser after Reliance communication.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Subsidy & Oil Mafia

     Union Government is giving subsidy on to the sale of kerosene 18.82 rupees per liter that sold in the country at ration shops, as it is considered fuel of poor people, but reports of National Council of Applied Economics research points that mafia adds lower prices’ kerosene oil available at ration shops to many fold high prices’ of petrol and diesel hence earning huge profits on to its sale. Mafia spare nobody whoever comes on there way of illegal business, try to become obstacle and till date two government honest officers have lost there lives due to there actions and honesty as they try to stop, check and dare to challenge mafia, they were Indian Oil Corporation’s Sales Manager Manjunath and Yashwant Sonewaan, killed by oil mafia on 19th November,2005 and 25th January,2011 respectively when they were doing there duties in the area of lakhimpur kheera of Utter Pradesh and Maanwaar in Malegaon. It is really challenge in front of Union Government’s oil and natural gas ministry how to stop the illegal business of mafia, which is not only creating problem for honest officers to do there duties but also making huge dent on to government exchequer as government is giving subsidies on to kerosene oil so that weaker section of society get advantage of it, instead it is utilize by mafia with nexus of few officers.
     Central Government considered kerosene oil as fuel of poor section of society, thus bearing subsidies of rupees 18.82 on sale of every liter of kerosene sold at ration shops, but if we go through the report of Kirit Parikh Committee reports it says that in rural area and poor section of country are using kerosene oil 1.4 percent which is almost equivalents of not using it, but kerosene available on lower prices’ mafia is earning huge profits, and as per survey it is forty five percent of kerosene that is meant for sale of weaker section at ration shops but reaches in the hands of oil mafia, then mafia uses it two ways to sell –
  • Kerosene oil they get at lower prices’ but by adding it in the costly petroleum products like petrol and diesel, earning huge profits.
  • Kerosene prices’ are very high in the neighbouring countries and almost equivalents to the prices’ of petrol and diesel, thus it is very lucrative business for mafia & by supplying through smuggling, which they collected from government ration shops and steal from tankers, it sold in these countries on very high prices’, and every year 1 billion liters of kerosene is smuggling to these countries, so government is loosing 33.96 billion of rupees per year.
It is not that government has no information about the mafia activities but they are unable to control the illegal trade of mafia as mafia has access of some officials of government sector companies, right now across country petroleum products like petrol, diesel, kerosene, LDO, ATF and LPG are supplying by three Government Corporations and they are –
  • Indian Oil Corporation
  • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation
  • Indian Petroleum Corporation
to stop adulteration through public distribution system proposals are coming from experts to use of marker chemical products, which also has recommendations of active charcoal. So it is really a challenge for Union Government to stop mafia for selling kerosene illegal in and outside country which will help government in two ways as it is loosing money which it gives on to sale of every liter of kerosene at ration shops plus it is not reaching to target audience of society that is weaker section, also it will help to save the lives of Oil Corporations employees as mafia killed anybody that comes on there way as obstacles to do the illegal trade, as two honest employees are killed by them. It will be interesting to see how government comes with proposal to stop the mafia in the coming days? Till date mafia’s illegal trade is uninterruptedly continue this can be seen on national highways.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Jaat Agitations & There Demands

    In Government services’ whether it is central or state, there is few quotas reserve for specific categories and if it collectively counts then it touches thirty five to forty percent of seats, due to reservation deserving, brilliant and efficient candidates that comes under general category find themselves under intense competition as almost forty percent vacancies are filled because of reservation hence more then one third there chances erases’ whether others are deserving or not, to be selected for the jobs, adding insult to injury quotas of reservation in the government services are not final as off and on demand and agitation by community from society keep on becoming the headlines, instead of caste base reservation provision in the government services’ it should be for brilliant but weaker section of society, more over reserve categories candidates gets priority throughout there lives at all levels whether it is study, job or promotion but it should be merit base and allowed to utilize once during there life not every time ahead of general categories candidates. Presently Jaat community is agitating in the different parts of country but there agitation is more powerful in the Haryana state and they are demanding reservation for there community in the central government services, Jaat has already in the list of reservation in the state like Delhi and Uttar Pradesh and they want reservation from Haryana, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh also, so to have facilities of reservation from other states also they start there protest on fifth March and till date not only it is continue but also loss of revenue to railway of 1500 million rupees as they have blocked the railway tracks in Haryana, due to it score of railway routes either changed or cancelled, now there leaders have given deadlines to the government of 28th March and after that date if there demands not accepted by the government then there leaders declared that they will increase the ambit of there protest to other essential services and will disrupts supply of water, milk, vegetables and petro products.
   Jaat are protesting from 5th March,2011 for reservation to there community in the government services’, right now number of Jaat in the country are 100 million and they are already getting reservation facilities in the Delhi and Uttar Pradesh, for allowing reservation to them in the Haryana state Gurnaam Singh commission was constituted for considering the reservation for Jaat community in the nineties, later on Supreme Court in its verdict rejected the plea after four years of period. To pressurize the government Jaat community start its protest and has block the railway tracks in Haryana state, which affected badly the services’ of railway in the country. Supreme Court has issue directives to concern states government to take care of necessity services in there areas and public should not suffer due to protesting Jaat community, which is now become concern for the supply of essential commodities, as few days back protestor Jaat community leaders added few more states in there list for reservation and declared if there demands won’t met up to 28th March, they will intensify there protest and will block supply of other services’ in the country plus add few more major rail tracks to block rail services; other services like milk, vegetables and gas; work at Mathura  Refinery will also disrupt so that they can effect the supply of petrol and diesel. It is worth mentioning here that 5th March onwards till date protest of Jaat community has slap railways of around 1.5 billion rupees as till date 1286 train effective and that is why 654 trains routes have changed and 401 trains cancelled. Jaat agitation is supported by Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana.
     There is necessity for both the parties’, protestors and government to step ahead with flexible intention and make grounds for fruitful dialogue, so that stalemate should end as it is now becoming source of scores of problem for the public and railways revenues.
    Just news breaks in the noon that between Government and Jaat protestors community they have reach on to agreement and within month period government will announce of reservation for Jaat community, hence they have called of there protest, but question rises here who is responsible for the loss of 1.5 billion rupees to the railways and inconvenience cause to the supply of essential services and public?

Friday, March 25, 2011

Fortnight of Chaos

    Punjab State’s three corporations and all the municipal committees’ Safai Karamcharis were on strike from 7th March 2011 onwards till 21st March, 2011. They had few demands but there major demand was to permanent Safai Karamcharis which are temporary, on daily basis and working as contract employees, but state government keep on neglecting there demands and strike, so it resultants throughout state scenes of pile of waste materials whether it is in streets or in open places, due to this experts, health department and public were scared that delay of few more days from government can become hazardous for the health of public and can create chaos in the state, so life was under the clouds of speculations and danger of epidemic in the state due to stomach disease’ like jaundice and fever which would be havoc. Striking employees declared there strike will continue until and unless there demands not met by the state government, with every passing day of strike it was intolerable situation for the general public as government had not arrange alternative of it and stacks of waste material in the streets and open places’, it started stench, so government officials scum to public pressure and health authorities and after the gap of fortnight, step ahead and invites leaders of striking unions leaders, accepted there demands of making all the employees of Safai and sewerage permanent, thus it ends the chaos in the state. 
    On 7th March, 2011 Safai Karamcharis of Punjab State’s all municipal committees and corporations went on strike and announced until and unless there demands not accepted by the state government they will remain on strike for indefinite period, beside other demands they had main demand of making permanent Safai and sewerage Karamcharis, they had support of seven unions, during the period of strike news keep on publishing in the newspapers in which they use to visit there areas office of municipal committees or corporations but just to protest against the government and had gate rallies in anticipation to pressure state government. Watching the strike period of Safai Karamcharis getting increase, due to state government behaviour of keep on ignoring there strike, in the absence of alternative arrangements plus pile of waste material lying here and there, that started stench and unbearable situation for the local residents of state along with warning from health department of state of epidemic, public step ahead to clean there surrounding areas but Safai Karamcharis which were on strike not allowed people to clean there vicinities, and in some places of state it had taken ugly scenes and police authorities jumps to avoid these scenes’ into clashes but at some places’ it was reported that police authorities used tear gases shells to disperse both parties. Then later on taking there strike pitch further with other basic services of state’s like blocking the sewerage system and disrupting water supply plus also spread waste material on roads. Considering this Punjab Civil Medical Services Associations request government to accept the demand and if it won’t end soon then state has danger of coming under the trap of epidemic, so on 21st march ,2011, state government’s local Civic Bodies Minster, Mr. Manoranjan Kalia calls leaders of striking employees, after discussion with there leaders, state government bend and accepted each and every demands, hence Safai Karamcharis calls off there strike and announce they will do extra efforts to clean the state very soon and there striking period will be treated as leave.
    Certainly as now strike is over, it’s the duties and liabilities of the employees to give there services they are meant for as reports often keep on pouring of skipping off employees from there duties, but government also needs to check these employees on its behalf.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Summer Season & Mosquitoes

    Soon we are going to enter in the summer season, during this season mosquitoes are responsible for score of diseases’ like Malaria, Dengue & Chikungunya, so remain healthy in the summer season it’s a challenge as it needed precautions but because of workload, responsibilities and liabilities its tough and hard to bound in precautions.Throughout world every year almost nine lakh peoples dies because of Malaria, and every year in India alone1.5 million cases’ of Malaria reported, now few more dangerous diseases’ also included in the list of mosquitoes born diseases’ during months of summer season and they are Dengue, Chikungunya, shockingly as per reports 50 million Dengue cases’ reported every year. Thus it required for us to take precautions so that summer season can be spent without any mosquitoes born diseases’. One of the major differences between the Malaria and Dengue & Chikungunya is –
  • Anopheles mosquitoes is responsible for malaria disease and they are active during night.
  • Aedes mosquitoes spread diseases of dengue and chikungunya and they are active during day time.
to keep the house, premises mosquitoes free where we use to spent our time it is important that minimum once a week we use anti mosquitoes spray, along with it make it sure area surrounding us free from water which is two to three days old as these places and stuff help mosquitoes larva to grow like rain water remain in waste material thrown by us viz bottles, there cover, glasses and on regular basis after the gap of two days must change the water of cooler, reason of alertness and precautions are as per news in recent time diseases’ spread by mosquitoes not only there numbers are increasing but mosquitoes also have now created resistance from the exiting bouquet of medicines that is why it is becoming major obstacles for doctors to give effective and efficient medical treatment to the patients. Presently available medicine in the market are now proving less effective because in the past patient of malaria chloroquine drug was treated as one of the most effective medicine but recent reports of research declare that this medicine is not as much effective now, in this scenario doctors are confuse and not sure which single drug is effective for the treatment of malaria, so until new medicine not available in the market it will be challenge for the doctors to treat the patient, no doubt scientists are working hard in this regard but until and unless they does not come up with any positive results, time is very challenging as it will take years for effective medicine to launch in the market.
    So it is better for us to take precaution in this environment and avoid from mosquitoes born disease’, which have peak season during the summer season, like –
  • To avoid from mosquitoes bite best option is expose very few body parts, cover the body as much as it can be.
  • Must install net on doors and windows so that it stops mosquitoes to enter in the house.
  • Its good option to take anti malaria drugs before the start of summer season, and it is much more useful if one lives in the malaria effective areas.
  • Use mosquitoes replants which are easily available in the market as per concerned choice, both type of replants are available in the market like liquid and coils.
  • Anti mosquitoes creams and spray are available in the market, and applying them on to open parts of body can avoid from the fear of mosquitoes bite.
  • Do use mosquitoes net.
  • Do make sure around you no place or stuff available for water logging/store which is source for mosquitoes larva to grow.
  • Water of cooler change regularly and do use pesticides and add few drops of kerosene oil in the water.
For good and disease free summer season time it is the liabilities of us to take some measures so that mosquitoes not grow around us, so that time can be spent without any mosquitoes born diseases by the whole family members.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Double Standard of Leaders

      India being biggest democracy of the world, public is supreme power in the democratic set up of any nation, as it choose and sends its representatives in the house, at all levels through there fundamental right of voting, it is also accepted by the political parties and politicians but unfortunately at the time of elections, barring few political parties and politicians as every where we will find both the stuff good and bad, which are of clean image and doing development work, thus appreciated by public also. Political parties and leaders which are in power often comes up with inflated claims which on grounds never visible and that’s also in the last year of there rule. It has seen that often opposition parties stand against almost each and every claims of ruling parties whether it is policies, schemes or initiatives of the government by disrupting the house proceedings, walk out, uproar or boycott but when it comes to revise there salaries and perks then it has seen that no opposition in the house as if there is no opposition parties exit in the house, every members of the house appears of ruling party and bill passed without any debate or opposition, at the same time when time comes to debate on to the bills which are for the benefits of the public or development projects often opposition parties vocal against the bills, seen and create differences on to the name of public.
     At the time of elections, political parties woo public with there manifestos that if they get chance to comes into power then they will do score of development work, make picture of greenery with unbelievable agenda, but once they comes into power then four years of there governance pass without any concrete, good for society and public friendly works. Last year in the parliament members of the house block the proceedings in demand to increase their salaries and perks, bill was present in the parliament, August last year and it was passed without any obstacles and opposition from any parties or members, hence members pockets inflated with salaries and perks many folds as in their salary it was jump of almost three folds and there all the perks were double or more then double. Later on following the footprints of parliament Delhi government also revise the salaries and perks of there members which was clear by the house and now send proposal of increase salary and perks to the Union Home Ministry, once it get nod of Union Home Ministry then members salaries will shoot three folds from present rupees thirty two thousand to one lakh rupees and ministers salaries will also triple from forty three thousand rupees to one lakh twenty thousand rupees per month. Then Haryana state assembly also accepted the proposal of salaries and perks hike of there members, now they are entitle for salary of rupees ten thousand per month plus their perks also get handsome jumps along with it members will also get laptops and printers, while speaker, deputy speaker, chief minister and ministers salaries are double from present twenty thousand per month to forty thousand rupees per month. Latest addition in the list of salaries and perks revision is Punjab state, it will effective from 4rth November, 2010 but it is cleared in the month of March, 2011, salaries and perks of speaker, deputy speaker, leader of opposition are revise which are eye openers of common people. Last time it was revised under two year’s period.
    It has seen that on to the issue of debate on bills related to public domain, development projects, opposition often drag it, points finger on to ruling party or alliance but when it comes to the benefits of themselves like salary or perks revision, then neither in the parliaments nor in the assemblies no members or party oppose it and bills cleared without any delay and obstacles, but in the media and at the floor of the house they often stand against on to the policies, schemes, initiatives and developments projects on to the name of public hence try to prove themselves as true representatives of public in and outside of the house.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Income Tax & Citizens

    It is the responsibilities and liabilities of every citizen whether he/she is individual (salary class) or business men to file income tax on time with true information as money collected goes into the development projects of the nation. In the past it have seen that people feel scared at the time when they have to visit the income tax department because of tedious, bulky & lengthy process and formalities but off late now income tax department has also taken the help of technology and anybody can file income tax returns through internet, infect now its mandatory to file income tax returns online for business houses and soon as per reports individual will also be included to file online income tax returns. Income Tax department with the help of media and campaign making public aware that it is now very easy to file income tax returns that is why it is called saral and if details of income tax tally with the department then in case income tax payees entitle for refunds then within stipulated time that is ninety days he/she will get the cheque in there bank accounts, but it can be delay if details of income tax payees differs from the department. Beside other plus points of filling income tax, payees get confidence and if he/she needed loan at any time then without any problem he/she will gets the loan from the bank.
   Income tax department often runs campaign in the country to alert and aware public to file there income tax as failure of it not only entitle for monetary penalty but can also send to jail. In India help of technology by different departments are not utilize fully, thus individual or businessmen have to pay there income tax returns by self, and in case income tax department find any differences on to the income tax payees returns and there records then there team visit the concerned business institution to conduct survey and at the time of survey team is associated by police personals and they have not more role to play at the time of survey other then to give security to the team, but with the presence of team at there premises it make business house scared, as per words of experts related to the term of ‘survey’ its simple and straight forward answer is if irregularities found in any business house’ past two years income tax returns then it can be rectify by paying the tax. In today’s era there is no need to visit the income tax department personally as department has made it mandatory for business houses’ to file income tax online plus soon individual will also included in the list, if anybody submit request letter then with the help of internet he/she can get information about the status of his/her request. Income tax department has launch scores of schemes for the benefits of small income tax payees but along with it there is very harsh law for the defaulters so it is the liabilities of every citizens of the country to step ahead on time with correct information and file income tax as it will not only make them confident but at the time of need of money will get loan easily. In the past public scared to visit income tax department but now they feel proud to be income tax payees as income tax returns made simple plus they get immediate returns, along with it they need not to visit department.
   It’s the liabilities of every citizens to file there income tax on time and with correct information’s as money collected goes into the development projects plus they are entitle to get the money back in stipulated time of three months. For further information related to income tax department enthusiast can log on to there site –

Monday, March 21, 2011

Labour Crises’

    Prosperous parts of the country known for source of employment to poor states residents, so they often moves to these places and even they themselves claims they are earning much more then they use to earn in there home states. Migrant labour as they known is tough & dedicated by nature and usually belongs to the states of Utter Pradesh and Bihar states moves towards the states like New Delhi, Haryana and Punjab, but thanks to the development projects, initiatives, opportunities of employments, steps against corruption, neat and clean administration in the state of Bihar, all these factors now hampering them to move to other states in search of employment which are bundle with handsome money packages’. If one go through the details available then prosperous states industries are feeling the heat of shortage of migrant labour as compare to the last year and it touches drop of almost twenty five to thirty percent, which making hard for the industries to cope with the shortage of labour despite they are ready to compromise with the situation by offering them double the packages labour is entitle but they are still not available easily and local persons are not ready to do the work of labour. As per news chief minister of Bihar Mr. Nitish Kumar create jobs opportunities under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act or most popularly known as MGNREGA, thus join the elite list of states that gets maximum grants from central government under MGNREGA.
     Bihar state emerge from no where to a state which is on the path of prosperity, it was happen purely due to the efforts, initiatives and public friendly schemes by the chief minister of state Mr. Nitish Kumar, who during his first term in office as in charge of state change the image of Bihar with score of policies and he was appreciated by the public as he and his alliance almost clean sweep the recently held assembly elections of Bihar and now dragging the neat administration for public he is doing lot of works which is happening first time in India as in his second term he makes checks on the funds of public projects, thus money received any projects now fully utilize, which resultants Bihar is on the path of prosperity, and state’s public which is known for its hard work is Bihar’s assets, in the past they had no options but to move other parts of the country which are prosperous, now as they are getting opportunities in there home state, so they are now not interested to look job’s opportunities in other parts of the country; but it is making very tough and difficulties for the area like Punjab, as its industries totally dependent on migrant labour courtesy not interest of local persons to do labour, but now they need not to move other states especially Punjab state’s industries is feeling the heat of shortage of labour , that’s why there demand suddenly shoot and even industrialists are ready to pay almost double to there packages’. One of the well known industrialists told to the media persons while talking about the labour crises they are facing, two years ago forgers was available on to four thousand rupees per month but now he is demanding eight thousand rupees per month, and helper who was getting two thousand and five hundred rupees per month now demanding four thousand rupees and still not easily available, they are facing labour crises at the time when scores of plants in the district are under the phase of expansion but it will hamper there plans due to shortage of labour, more over it is dipping at the rate of twenty to thirty percent per year, so it is alarm for the industrialist fraternity that future can be very tough as far getting labour is concerned simply due to migrant labour is getting opportunities in there home town and Punjab or other places of the country become for them less lucrative or have not much importance.
     Considering it certainly it is tough and hard time for industrial units of Punjab as shortage of labour is hampering there expansion plans and adding insult to injury this phase is not temporary but will deepen further in future, for survive in the environment of labour shortage they need to create alternative of migrant labour other wise time ahead can be critical for them.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Happy Holi

Today is festival of colours Holi, whole country is drown in the flavour of Holi celebrations as everybody takes part with zeal and zest in the celebration of Holi festival whether its children, young, old, men, women, boys, girls, politicians, actors or common men. Traditionally it is celebrated with dry multi colours and wet (easily washable) different colours but with time some more stuff added in the bouquet of celebrations like balloons filled with water or colours, eggs, paints & grease, but these are weapons of mischievous groups and young brigade of Holi celebrators. From morning onwards till five of evening groups of boys and girls roams in the street and colours known and other persons whom they find on there way; often reports of fighting ; eve teasing registered in the books of authorities, but one cannot deny the fun, frolics, jolliness, entertainment and enthusiasm during the Holi festival celebrations, so folks HAPPY HOLI from Family Trilochan Jaswal members.

Friday, March 18, 2011


    India’s one of the most prosperous, healthy, brave and wealthy Punjab State, today is under the grip of drugs and as per stats available three fourth youth of the state are drugs user and shocking side of this hard fact is that now teenager of the state are also in the list of drugs addicts and number are rising very sharply. In the beginning youth takes capsules and syrup which are easily available at medical shops without the receipt of doctors and they are cheap also as fun or in desperation but later on they become habitual/ dependent on drugs, which is horrifying. Punjab state is known for food grains production in the country but today its image is changing because of its youth and teenagers as they are drugs addicted, in spite of state government is hosting seminars in the state to aware the horrifying results of drugs and along with it also providing facilities for the drugs addicts of the states to come out form the grip addiction through drugs rehabilitations centers, facility is available free of cost, but till date results are not encouraging due to increasing list of drugs addicts in the state and it is really a shocking and challengeable jobs in the hands of authority and government to save its tomorrow from the clutches of drugs as reports reveals that youth and teenagers which are drugs addicts, they are so much dependent on intoxication that they need dose on daily basis to proceed there lives, if they do not get the dose of drugs then for them its really hard to start there lives and even they are unable to use toilets without the dose of drugs. So it is really a shocking picture of the state in the eyes of experts.
     Youth and teenagers are tomorrow’s nation and what it would be? One can assume by looking there present. Its really a shocking and horrifying feeling if any societies three fourth youth is indulge in intoxication or drugs addicts, then it is an alarming alert for authorities to take care of its assets which are going to be tomorrow’s nation as delay from authority will be drastic as drugs addicts and hollow bodies can never proves a good citizens other then becoming burden on to society. In this regard reports coming from Punjab state youth and teenagers are not encouraging as three fourth of them are under the hood of intoxication and they are so much dependent that without drugs they are unable to start there day. Scores of reason may be behind it like –
  • Frustration
  • Fun
  • Unemployment
  • Friend circle
but whatever the reason may be? Ultimately in the long run it will be society which is bigger looser as there assets slowly turning into hollow and waste, government despite organising seminars throughout state to aware youth and teenagers of drugs effects unable to get desire results. Once known as state full of prosperity, feeder of country, brave but its youth and teenagers need direction and help to come out from the net of drugs which have gradually taken control of there bodies.
     Now as government has information in its hands of three fourth youth and teenagers are drugs addicted and no doubt has taken few initiatives in this regards to help them but it’s not enough as it not paying desire results so along with it harsh steps needed simultaneously so that they shun drugs and sellers of capsules and syrup also needs to follow some terms while handing over them to customers, like –
  • Customers should present doctors receipt at the time of taking medicines from medical stores which comes under the domain of drugs.
  • Below the age of eighteen should never allowed to get the banned capsules or syrup.
  • If suspicious medical store confirm from the doctor if he has recommended the particular medicines and if doctor deny then there should be provision of severe monetary fine and along with punishments.
  • Each and every addicted should send at rehab centers by giving responsibilities to the government officials of concern area.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Milk: Alarming Gap Between Demand & Supply

     Milk is one of the widely and extensively used items in Indian cuisine throughout country, but it is alarming signal for the government as recently report present in the parliament says in the country production of milk is one hundred and twelve million ton and there is increase of production of milk in the country at the rate of 3.5 million ton per year but shockingly it is not enough to meet the demand in the country of milk which is increasing at the rate of six million ton per year, so this is a signal for the ruler to take immediate initiatives to bridge the massive gap as shortage of milk not only increase its prices but crooked mind will take advantage of shortage and will supply synthetic milk in the country which is not more then a slow poison, and by no mean good for anyone to intake. Considering this as per news central government has taken few steps to control the shortage of milk as milk can become one of the reasons in igniting further the flame of inflation but probably thanks to the four states which are at the doorsteps of Assemblies’ elections and United Progressive Alliance (UPA) don’t want to give opposition parties a chance to get an issue before the elections, we are shortly going to enter in the summer season and this is the time when milk production of animals effect and demand increase of milk, all factors are going to create massive gap of demand and supply in coming months not only it will increase price of milk and milk products but supply of synthetic milk will increase, certainly not good for any human being to consume and it’s the hard fact general public will effective directly from it, then it will be tough situation for government to handle, so government has taken steps to curb the shortage in the country of milk by banning export of milk powder along with it allow tax free import of thirty thousand ton of skimmed milk powder and fifteen thousand ton butter and butter oil, plus food ministry of India directed milk federations of states to have adequate stock of milk powder in view of shortage of milk in summer season and if we go through the stats available of last year, then during the period of year 2009 to year 2010 prices of milk products are dearer by 17.75 percent and prices increase in the country of well known brands milk from 10 to 15 percent. Prices are bound to increase further if government will not take immediate steps to expand the production of milk in the country as above coded initiatives are for creating alternative of milk. Government can start schemes for the promotion of diary and products relating to diary by announcing loan at very cheap rates or subsidies on to diary loans, import free equipments related to diary and harsh tax on to export of animals feed.
    May be government has taken steps but its are short terms and it will not solve the problem of shortage of milk in the country, thus need to take long term measures which is worrying factor that is shortage of milk, moreover government has enough time to get rid on the problem, then instead later on pointing fingers towards anybody, as it is the responsibilities of the government to make available every basic requirement to its citizen at affordable price, effect of shortage will have to face by common people of this country as in the absence of sufficient supply of milk synthetic milk supply will increase..
    Hopefully in the coming days we will see government action towards increase the production of milk as everybody knows it is basic items that goes into score of items of Indian cuisine and if massive shortage between demand and supply face by country then not only prices of milk and milk products will further rise but also producers of synthetic milk are bound to increase the supply which be fatal for the innocent lives of citizen as it is just a poison.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Deadly Flu’s

    In recent times, world has experience scores of deadly flu’s, ironically which started from western & develop countries of globe and these countries are believe to be highly hygienic as far food material productions are concern, yet they were source of deadly flu’s like –
  • Mad Cow – England
  • H1N1 Virus or most commonly known as bird flu – Europe
  • Mexico – Swine Flu
later on these flu spread in the other parts of world, from all the above coded virus’, swine flu spread very quickly in all the continents of globe, perhaps because of movements of the patients from one place to another without knowing that they are victim of swine flu as in the beginning it was not traced and later on after research it was declared highly deadly virus, even after very few days of swine flu’s outbreak World Health Organisation(W.H.O.) declares it as epidemic and was not sure how much swine flu is going to effects the globe? Thanks to effective measures of the different countries and awareness campaign which resultant control of swine flu. It is shocking to code here that despite it is believe bird flu and swine flu is under control in the world and whenever any person with specific symptoms & victim of any flu then with isolation and timely treatment not only he/she can recover but also avoid to spread virus to other peoples, but if somebody go through the information available in the country related to swine flu and bird flu then two states of the country are recently in the grip of both the flu’s, these two states are Punjab and Tripura. From Punjab state cases’ of swine flu are reported and Tripura’s one of the government poultry farm reported of bird flu stains in the birds, thus authority culled all the birds of poultry farm and even radius comes under the 1.8 meter culled all the birds of poultry farms in anticipation to avoid from bird flu to spread in that area. Most horrifying declaration comes from the Punjab state’s health department that swine flu virus has changed itself from its previous avatar that is why cases of swine flu in the state are appearing and it has also combination of other factors which is lack of dedicated swine laboratory in the state, and that’s why sample of patients send to National Institute for communicable disease, New Delhi, yes it exit in the Chandigarh but unfortunately it is not operational and closed because of technical problem to the machines despite authority is claiming soon it will starts work again.
     Punjab state health department reports of one death each in the districts of Kapurthala and Fatehgarh Sahib and two more deaths reported in the March month at Dayanand Medical College, Ludhiana but until reports are not available these two fresh cases are put in suspicious category as there samples have sent to National Institute for communicable disease, New Delhi, so reports of these two fresh cases samples are waiting. Swine flu patients needs to get medical treatment within five hours but sample send to New Delhi gets time to reach six hours plus patients in the state comes for treatment at fag end when swine flu virus takes control of patient body, then to save patient is not easy task for medical team, till date total one hundred and eighty seven cases of swine flu are reported, and for such a deadly flu Punjab state has not even single swine flu laboratory is working as Chandigarh lab is close down, so alternatively samples send to the National Institute for Communicable Disease, New Delhi and patients gets swine flu treatment once report collected by concerned hospitals. Past ten days, only from Dayanand Medical College Ludhiana, six samples were sent to NICD and five were reported positives of swine flu. As per words of medical experts change of nature of swine flu is becoming major obstacles in giving patients treatment. To make public aware experts wants awareness programme in the state and also advise if anybody get problem in breathing, cough and nasal then he/she does not take it lightly and consult with experts.
   In Agartala of Tripura state reports of bird flu in one of the government poultry farm resultant not only culled all the birds but also birds from other poultry farms which comes under the radius of three kilometer in anticipation of bird flu stain. It is alert to health authority of concerned area to be vigil against the flu’s and provide most needy testing dedicated labs and also assure public to cooperate if they were under sign of swine flu virus other wise lazy approach towards swine flu can become serious crises. Tripura state health authority needs to be alert and take appropriate actions to stop bird flu from spreading.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Government Warehouses’: Rot Hub?

    Recent past it was seen that Apex Court of the country ordered government to take care of food grain and if it is unable to store food grain properly which resultants in rot because it lies in open and few spell of showers are enough to ruin it, thus then it is not for the use of even animals, while in the scolding tone to government especially there food and agriculture ministry Apex Court said that it is shame that scores of people are dying in the country because of hunger and ironically in multi thousand tones of food grain turns into rot in the government’s warehouses’, why not government distribute it to the needy persons instead let it turns into rot in the go downs’, so in the future either take care of food grain or distribute it among the needy but single piece of grain should not be waste in the country. In response to it union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar putting government side of story said his ministry is talking to the state governments to provide them land so that warehouses’ can be erected in the country. After this judgment of Apex Court it was believe that wastage of food grain in the government go downs will be story of history books and as par stats available on to the wastage of food items in the warehouses of Food Corporation of India-
  • As per information pass on to Mr. Ashish Bhattacharya in the year 2008, Food Corporation of India (F.C.I.) had accepted that in their go downs 1.83 lakhs ton wheat, 3.95 lakhs ton rice and 22,000 ton paddy were ruined during past five years. After this shocking revelation of F.C.I., Mr. Anand Kumar Member of Parliament in the house asked question from Food and Agriculture Minister Mr. Sharad Pawar, “If his ministry is going to take action against responsible officers who are unable to take care of food items.” In reply Mr. Sharad Pawar said that he will take action against it. When no action was taken then on 6th January, 2010, R.T.I. activist Mr. Ashish Bhattacharya seek an information under R.T.I. act from Food and Agriculture ministry, “What action government has taken against the question and how much grain rotten further in the go downs of F.C.I.? Shocking information received by Mr. Bhattacharya in which ministry accepted that until 1st January,2010 total 14,088 metric ton food items ruined further in the warehouses of F.C.I. Along with it ministry also forward stats of different zone –
East Zone – 1,010 ton wheat
                     1,506 ton rice
                          54 ton paddy
North East Zone –   53 ton wheat
                              6,80 ton rice
North Zone -      73 ton wheat
                      4,648 ton rice
South Zone –  6 ton wheat
                      71 ton rice
West Zone – 1434 ton wheat
                        164 ton rice
                          81 ton paddy

as per words of Mr. Bhattacharya in the Government reply after 4rth August,2009, the day when Mr. Anand Kumar asked question, total 2576 ton wheat, 7069 ton rice ruined in the warehouses of F.C.I. and in it 2083 ton rice from Punjab and West Bengal’s 757 ton another food items are not included.
    but still of and on news catches the eyes of common people and they surprise and shocked to read that still in the country there is lack of proper facilities in the government go downs and food grain lying open which can be ruin by few spells of rain, and if anybody try to make contact with concerned warehouses’ top officials and have there attention on to it, they simply shrug there shoulders by passing on responsibilities of others, even state governments representatives wont accept there liabilities and blame to the union government and declared they procure food grain on behalf of central government and despite informing score of time it wont lift the food grain, but ultimately who ever is responsible every year country’s multi thousand tones of food items turns into waste simply lack of proper facilities.
      Recently picture and news publish in the newspaper in which as usual food grain bags were stacks in open without any safety from rain and few rain drops are enough to waste them, Punjab Agro go down of jalalabad stored food grain in the open and when senior officials were contacted to have there attention on to it, there response was in denying mold and it appears as if they have closed eyes towards it, while responding to the query of correspondence he said few days back inspector retired from his post and now his post is vacant and as far lying of food grain in he open is concern he just recently visited the go down and everything I found satisfactory, and if any minor problem exist there as per your vision it will also be taken care soon.
      In the past also whenever media expose, or people get information through RTI, or question asked in the parliament about the wastage of food grain in government go downs then minister as usual respond that he will look into the matter and if any government officials found guilty then he will punish strictly, but later on nothing happened as far government action is concern, now despite alerts from media section, senior officials are not ready to accept that there is problem in there food grain storing technique and it can turns into waste by few rain spells.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Where There Is Will There Is Way

    We often come across story of persons who are hero in real life due to there amazing will power despite odds, thus source of motivations because despite of obstacles which make them helpless to lead normal life in others eyes become character of sympathy but there focus and dedication with strong mind and will power not only they surprise normal persons but also there success leaves them with complex in there mind. Although it is believe to achieve goal in life, ingredients are dedication, hard work, focus, ambition and fit body, in some cases determination make all the ingredients of success less important and required except positive minds, so if anybody wants to achieve goal then he/she needs only determination and mind to achieve it, to endorse the coded words recently eighteen year child from Mumbai hit the news because of his ambition to become Charted Accountant, but he is living life, attending school and even giving examination in laying mode from bed as he is patient of osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome, it is disease which make patient’s bones sensitive and with slightly strong movement it can break the bones of patients, thus patient’s height does not fully growth, there life dependent on bed and spent life laying on bed. Below is story of osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome victim but despite his limitations of normal life he has thrown all negative energy as he has strong will power to achieve his goal of becoming Charted Accountant and good news is that he is not only ambitious but infect he is on the track to become CA as in the tenth standard he scored eighty percent marks.
      Parikshit Shah, who is eighteen years of age, student of twelve standards, giving his examination in laying posture from bed, he is two and half feet’s in length and weighting eighteen kilogram, due to this he gets special favour from concerned authority, as bones of osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome patients becomes very weak and little weight can break them, thus they have to spend there whole life laying on to bed, resultant of this It also effect on there physical growth. At the age of eighteen he talks positively and talk intelligently, never allow his disease to become obstacles in his education, this is the reason that not only he is studying with dedication but also have ambition to become CA, he scored eighty percent marks in tenth standard. He said I am just like what I am, osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome cannot stop me for performing excellently in the study not only during my study phase but also at the time of other walk of my life, from concerned authority he gets favour as they allow one hour more during examination time and allow him to give examination in laying posture, despite this four hours marathon he declare that know he becomes habitual of it, so it no more make me tedious. Due to his physical problem he often takes leave from his educational institution, but his principle applauds him and declares he is one of the intelligent students of his class. If Parikshit Shah seeks then authority can allow him the help of other student to write his paper during examination time but he does not want help and said because of his efforts he reaches here, so he will move ahead in his life at his own. Until fourteen, his physical condition was good, he played cricket, but after fourteen years of his age he was not in position to sit for long time, despite his problem I have never seen him sadden, explain by her mother on to the condition of Parikshit Shah, but she also recalls the moments when they move from Gujarat to Mumbai and school of Mumbai was not ready to give him admition due to his physical obstacles. Despite he is under treatment but doctor are not positive as far his recovery from osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome is concern, as per words of doctors his bones are so sensitive and weak that they wont allow us to surgery him. He has hobbies of food and playing online chess.
     If normal person see him personally then he/she will be shocked to see his problem due to osteogenesis imperfecta syndrome but his ambition, dedication and hard work can inspire anybody that body is not everything in life to move ahead but its goal one should have in mind which make the flame to march on the path of life ignoring all the obstacles.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Happy Birthday

Mamta Raizada, in the picture, today celebrating her birthday, on this auspicious occasion we feel proud and all the members of family TRILOCHAN JASWAL wishes her health, happiness, milestones and pray to Almighty God for his kindness on to one of gem member in fulfilling her each and every wishes and desires, May this year of her life will be full of happiness without any negative shade of life. Hopefully and by the grace of Almighty God our words prove us right after the end of this year of her life when she sit and recall gone by year and will find she is rich with world’s every happiness. Happy Birthday Mamta Raizada from all the members of family TRILOCHAN JASWAL.

Union Budget & Punjab Industries

     Every year in the last week of February month Union finance minister of India present government budget in the parliament for the next year which starts from April month, it is based on to the feedback, recommendations, proposals from different section of society, and sometimes proposed items/tax in the budget roll back by finance minister due to pressure & voices’ against it from public. Punjab State is world famous for sports goods industry, hosiery, hand tools, cycle industries which spread in three cities of state these are Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Amritsar, but due to increasing cost, labour, competition from other states of country and cheap goods arriving from china make these units existence under tough environments. This year budget present by Union Finance Minister Mr. Pranab Mukherjee was full of shocks for the industries of Punjab due to proposal of exercise taxes on to one hundred and thirty industries and it covers all the mentioned well known industries of Punjab, if proposal of excise duty implemented then all sector units will come under intense pressure because it will give extra teeth to the concerned department of Government of India. From the time budget present by finance minister all sector united against the recommendations of finance minister of excise duty and they are vocal and protesting collectively, not only trying to convince but also putting pressure on to government to roll back the propose tax as per there opinion it will ruin scores of plants in the country and can become reason of close down of plants.
   Punjab has different industries hub in three districts of state Amritsar, Jalandhar and Ludhiana and products produce from these units which are world known are –
  • Amritsar – Blankets, Shawls and processing.
  • Jalandhar – Sports goods, sanitary goods, Pipe fittings, Rubber goods and Hand tools units which are spread in the Jalandhar district.
  • Ludhiana – Hosiery units, readymade garments, branded clothes, sewing machines, cycle units and hosiery yarn are world known and export from Ludhiana district.
with proposal of excise duty in the budget, it included all the above sector, are going to hit badly, propose excise duty on to above coded units recommended –
  • readymade garments, branded garments and blankets it is ten percent.
  • cycle, sports goods, sewing machines it is one percent.
but due to increase cost courtesy costly labour, shortage of raw materials, competition from other states of country and top of it supply of cheap goods from china all these are source of bleeding of these industries and as it was not enough now they have to face government officials which will harass them unnecessarily all it is going to make there existence hard. Branded garment companies will effect more severely of ten percent excise as they use to get there production from small units now there input cost will increase by ten percent on to sale of there products which was already expensive compare to local made garments, as per stats available, right now in the country there are total half a million units which are producing clothes, and six million persons are employed with these units, turnover of these half a million units are one and half trillion rupees from domestic sale plus half a trillion from exports to other countries.
      Considering the above, Union Finance Minister again contemplate on to the recommendations of excise duty on to garments units as it is going to hit badly, in the era of stiff competition, when it is already a tough environments to survive, if it wont roll back then score of garment plants are going to face the heat of excise duty and can close down there operations in the coming time.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Banks have To Recover 256.62 Million Rupees

     Whenever public need money for there various requirements like construction building, starting business, kids education, purchase of vehicle personal or commercial, then they have various sources’ at there disposal like finance companies, government banks, cooperative banks, private banks national and international, but getting money for there requirements government banks are best options form above coded categories as not only there rate of interest is less but also terms are not as much harsh as other categories. Although every banks and finance company has to follow terms to lend money to individual or group set by regulating authority, but its worth mentioning here that often cases highlighted through state level banking committee reports about the non payments by debtors and it turns into bad loan, and then banks try to settle pending cases’ either through amicably or by recovery Act, in case terms of returning the debt are not follow by the debtors. Total 256.62 million rupees yet to returns by the debtors of different banks taken by peoples in Punjab state’s different districts, during recent meeting of Punjab’s state level bankers committee report which reveal about pending cases’ in the state up to 31st December, 2010, and it contains three type of cases, which are –
  • Over one year period
  • Over six months period
  • Less then six months period
Right now as per report of state level bankers committee total numbers of cases’ are one thousand, five hundred and sixty seven, in it pending cases’ which are over one year period are one thousand, one hundred and sixty seven and amount which have to be recovered under this categories is 191.14 million rupees; pending cases’ over six months period are two hundred and fifty two cases’ and amount standing against it is 44.52 million rupees; under third category which is less then six months total cases are one hundred and sixty nine and amount is 20.98 million rupees. High numbers of pending cases are in the district of Bhathinda, Amritsar and Ferozpur districts of states and even districts like Hoshiarpur, TaranTaran and Nawashehar have pending cases more then hundred in numbers. As per words of Punjab National bank which is convener bank, recovery certificate has been filed under state recovery Act, but its good news that some debtors has step ahead in districts of Hoshiarpur, Ferozpur and Nawashehar for settle cases amicably, total 7.4 million of rupees are collected from three districts, whose break up is –
  • Hoshiarpur and Nawashehar in sixty four cases, debtors have shown interest to settle there case amicably and 3.77 million rupees collected.
  • Ferozpur district 3.12 million rupees colleted under pending cases for twenty one cases’.
Below is list of pending cases district wise and total amount stands against them –
DistrictPending CasesAmount In Million Rupees
Fathehgarh Sahib30.50
Muktsar Sahib494.72

     For debtors it’s a good option to exit from the list of pending cases and litigation by choosing the amicable settlement, other wise if bankers recovered there amount through litigation it can be an embarrassing for them.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

108 Ambulance Service

      In the country due to lack of dedicated ambulance service often score of peoples lost there lives which can be saved if victims/patients get immediate medical help, in the big cities of the country private hospitals have ambulance service which reaches in few minutes at the spot but only at limited radius around hospitals, still majority of the public in the country have to look sources for the victims to get medical help. Happily in Punjab state just recently Health department of Punjab comes up with idea to provide ambulance services to the residents of Punjab and soon state will have unique, toll free number, 108 Ambulance Service, which will be operated from health training institute situated at Circular Road, Amritsar. First it will start its operation from Amritsar District from end of March month this year and gradually will increase its network across state and have plan to reach at any spot of state within fifteen to twenty five minutes and beauty of this project is that it will be accessible by the residents of Punjab free of cost.
     With the initiatives of Health Minster, Punjab Laxmikant Chawla, soon Punjab state will have dedicated ambulance service for the residents of state by name 108 Ambulance Service and people can get services’ of ambulance by dialing toll free 108 from any landline phones or cell service providers and adding cake on ice 108 Ambulance Service will also be free, in the beginning it will be started from Amritsar district from the end of this month, it will be operated from Circular Road, Amritsar through health training centre, right now Amritsar district get ten vehicles and it will be increase to twenty five in next six months. In the project, Crores of rupees have spent to get one hundred vehicles and other facilities to start the project. These vehicles will be equipped with ultra modern facilities and as per plan these vehicles will reach at any spot across state in few minutes. Department has awarded contract to private firm which is already in operational in country’s few states and there experience will help to give services’ efficiently right from word go. As per words of deputy medical officer, Amritsar get ten vehicles and soon fleet will increase to twenty five and same way other districts of the state are also getting 108 Ambulance Service vehicles and in the span of six months period it will touch one hundred. Every 108 Ambulance Service will assist with medical technician who will take care of patient and help him/her to reach hospital safe and in case medical technician will find any difficulty in taking care of patient then he/she can get help from emergency response care physicians it will help medical technician to take care of patients. Soon staff will also recruited and trained He further adds that this service will be available to the public of the state round the clock and after taking patient to the hospitals, medical technicians will give details to the doctor relating to patient so that patient get desire medical help immediately from doctor without wasting valuable critical time.
     So from March month onwards Amritsar district will have facilities of 108 Ambulance Service, which can render its services free of cost to the public by dialing from any cell or landline services which is toll free number to call, and in coming months 108 Ambulance Service will spread network across whole state and then at any spot it will reach within fifteen to twenty five minutes. It’s applaudable efforts of health minister of Punjab and now valuable lives can be saved which was lack of ambulance and medical help were major obstacles.

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Sudhar Ghar

     No body in this world born as criminal but circumstances plays vital role in anybodies life to commit crime, and when he/she arrested by the authority then time spend by them behind the bars instead of feeling guilty on to his/her action they comes in the contact of dreaded criminals and often they drag them in the world of crime, if criminals behind the bars get atmosphere to repent or polish there hidden talents then for them time spend in the prison will prove change in there ideology and prison can become for them Sudhar Ghar. In West Bengal state government has changed the name of prisons to Sudhar Ghar, and not only state government took initiatives but Additional Director General and Inspector General also put his inputs to make these places a real Sudhar Ghar by polishing the hidden talents of the prisoners like painting, sculpture and acting, not only he support prisoners to polish there talents but also arrange the facilities and specialists to them, as he think there hidden talents should present to the mass, which will gives feeling of proud to the concern and time spent by them behind the bars proves a learning experience and then Sudhar Ghar will become a real Sudhar, plus it will help them to shun the activities of crime which they did under circumstances.
      In the year 1992 West Bengal government make Sudhar Services’ Law and it was implemented in the state in the year 2000, on 16th April, names of state prisons changed to Sudhar Ghar and now they literally becomes a place as per there name, it is simply because of Mr. B D Sharma who is Additional Director General and Inspector General Sudhar Services’ of West Bengal. As per words of B D Sharma he visits Alipur Central jail and Presidency Jail after taking charge of his post. His eye catches the hidden talents and interest among the prisoners in the different arts like painting, sculpture and drama, which after support and polish can make prisoners respectable character in the society. He make his mind to make name of Sudhar Ghar in reality a Sudhar Centers by presenting the talents of the prisoners in front of public, and his thought get support of Pradeep Bhattacharya, well known West Bengal dramatists, who performed drama in the jail with mix of his artists and prisoners, talent of prisoners surprise both Pradeep Bhattacharya and B D Sharma, considering the talent of prisoners B D Sharma asked to Pradeep Bhattacharya to train them, and Pradeep Bhattacharya after time spent with prisoners for four months, performed drama in the stage based on to the story of Rabendra Nath Tagore, it gets applauds from everybody that watches it, till date prison artists have performed twenty six times drama and appreciated by everybody, not only artists get support of jail authorities but also other talents equally supported by them like painting and sculpture, well known sculpture artist of West Bengal Chitdev give his services to the prisoners for polishing there talents and paintings made by them sent for exhibitions.
Not only prisoners’ talent gets polish in the Sudhar Ghar but also other appreciated schemes are simultaneously running by the authorities, like –
  • For the welfare of families of prisoners 1.5 million rupees fund has been made by the authorities.
  • In the Sudhar Ghar score of training programmes are running to train prisoners which will later on help them to do any work, once they got out from jail.
  • Nutan Jeewan plan started in the year 2009, which was canteen in the jail premises runs by prisoners for prisoners.
  • In the field of sports, prisoners pat by authorities with basic infrastructure to do practice, even they are allowed to participate in the sports events, and first time team took participate in Kabaadi tournament.
If other state follows West Bengal and support prisoners to improve there skills and talents they have, then after punishment time ends then they can prove good citizens, but if they live in the criminal environment then accepting them to come out from jail with improvement, it is ridiculous, instead time spent by them in the company of criminals can make there mind filled with negative energy and certainly it can never prove good for society.

Monday, March 07, 2011

Crooked Minds

     Sometimes activities of highly educated persons shock us thoroughly and leave us with question in the mind why they are not utilizing there skills for the welfare of humanity, society or country instead of indulging in the actions which are just to earn money by unfair means and sooner or later they will trap by authorities, thus will get bad names not only for themselves but also for there circle they use to roam in.
     Recently two stories catches the eyes of public courtesy media, one was of two students of M.B.A., engaged but they were involved in withdrawing money from others credit cards, second story was of former Chief General Manager with nexus to industrialist and his wife dupe forty million rupees of government sector bank, accused of both the cases are arrested by police authorities and now under charge and facing the trail. Story of both the cases goes like this –
  • Daughter of weightlifter who won gold medals in the Malta, Samoa and Ireland Commonwealth games, now working as senior officer at northern railways, her fiancé who returns from England after completing the MBA study, whose father is doing business in Ludhiana, both were caught red handed by police party when they were shopping at a mall through duplicate credit card, police party took action after the complaint of Assistant Manager of Standard Charted Bank. Police authority while talking to media persons reveal that from arrested couple they have found five duplicate credit cards of different banks, one master clone card, seven bogus identity cards on the name of both, receipts of credit cards withdrawal and receipt of designer clothes shopping of seventy thousand rupees.
  • Second story of former Chief General Manager of Punjab National bank and well known industrialist of Baddi area were arrested by local police, wife of industrialist is still absconding and CBI is looking for her. As per information available to media all the three are accused of duping forty million rupees of government bank, authority recovered suspicious documents from the premises of both the accused. As per detail issued to the media accused industrialist and former Chief General Manager have nexus, and industrialist erect phony firms on the name of his wife, then he get loan from Punjab National Bank, later on he transfer loan to his additional firm, with the help of former Chief General Manager, accused was keep on getting loan on to which was already mortgage with bank, story not ends here, at the time of return of loan accused declared his firms as non profitable firms, thus avoid to return money back to the bank which was taken as loan, accused file was cleared by the accused former Chief General Manager, industrialist got loans for three firms by name –
  1. Asia Himalaya Overseas
  2. Himachal Real estate private limited
  3. D.S. Industries
Former Chief General Manager issue loans while over sighting norms of Reserve Bank of India, despite industrialist’s first firm was black listed, and as per guidelines of RBI no relative can get loan on same firm, now investigation is turns towards the share of both the accused and where they have invested, so that government money can recover, both produce at local district court of special CBI court and they were sent to six days of CBI remands, money duped by them during the service period of former Chief General Manager and year was 2005 to 2009.
     Above coded both stories points that even graph of educated persons’ are going downwards and they want to earn hefty money without bothering if and when they will be trapped by authorities, not only then they will lost there status and respect they earn but also not able to face the public with proud and high head.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Parliament & Joint Parliament Committee

       Last year winter session of Parliament goes into the history books with record time lost as it had total twenty three days but during twenty two days of parliament proceedings no work held because of walk out by opposition parties on to the issue of 2G spectrum scam by former Union Telecommunication Minister A. Raja, who supersede all the rule of books in allotments of 2G spectrum thus loss the nation of almost 1.76 trillion rupees, despite he tender his resignation during proceedings of winter session of parliaments but opposition parties were not satisfied with his resignation and declared until and unless Joint Parliament Committee(JPC) does not constitute, it won’t allow parliaments to run, but government want everything discuss in parliament houses’, thus differences between ruling alliance parties and opposition alliance parties ends parliament session with only one day of working. Later on opposition parties announced in the media they won’t compromise less then JPC on 2G spectrum scam and will drag there demand even during budget session of parliament, this bend government to do efforts to end stalemate by constituting JPC and one week before the start of budget session it announce JPC will constitute on to the scam of A. Raja. Now budget session of parliament is under way, on 24rth February, 2011 JPC constitutes for the fifth time in the history of parliament. It contains thirty members, but contemplating point here is if it will solve its purpose –
  • If Government is bound to accept the recommendations of committee?
  • If accused of 2G spectrum will ever be arrested?
  • If Government will be able to recover the lost money from them?
Its answer is no, yes in spite of the fact if JPC reaches the bottom of the scam, it wont bend government to accept its proposal but only can advise direction in this regards on to basis of its report, as previous four JPC’s did not solve the purpose other then meetings and report, brief information relating to four JPC’s are –
  • On 6th August,1987 first JPC was constituted, which was formed to probe into the Bofors deal under the chairmanship of V. Shankaranand, JPC had fifty numbers of meetings, but it was not accepted by opposition parties because as per there belief it contains scores of members belong to the Indian National Congress, thus it mere proves formality on to the name of JPC, and even at the time of presentation opposition boycott it.
  • Second JPC was constituted under the chairmanship of Ram Niwas Mirdha, who was Indian National Congress leader, for the probe relating to irregularities by Harshad Mehta’s security and banking transactions, after the scam sensex crashed almost five hundred points, and JPC’s proposal was neither accepted nor implemented in its full form.
  • Third JPC was formed on to the issue of discrepancies by Ketan Parikh, siphon off money from share market after revelations made by Ahmedabad’s cooperative Madhabpura Merctile Bank, it was formed on 26th April,2001 and it submitted its report on 19th December,2002, under the chairmanship of Prakash Nayyer Tripathi, after having meetings one hundred and five times, but JPC proposal was not accepted by government in its original form and after some changes in the recommendations made by committee, it was implemented.
  • Fourth JPC was constituted in the year 2003, under the chairmanship of Sharad Pawar, on to the issue of chemicals presence in the soft drinks and to set safety standards, JPC reports reveal that soft drinks contains chemicals and propose strict standards for soft drinks, but again as per JPC’s previous experiences’ , on its recommendations nothing concrete action was taken.
Question rises here if JPC does not has the power to make government accept its proposal in original form, then what is the necessity and utility of constituting a JPC? Accepted JPC reports comes up with facts but if it does not apply on government to accept its recommendations, then certainly authenticity of JPC is dubious.

Friday, March 04, 2011

Punjab Government and Elections

    Less then one year left for the Assembly elections of Punjab State, and it appears that ruling alliance (Sharomani Akali Dal and Bhartiya Janta Party) has put themselves in the mold of elections, as scores of announcements, inaugurations, foundation stones, populist schemes, public friendly initiatives are taking place in the state. Even few days back there was news in the media about preparations by the state electricity corporation for summer season when state is under massive gap between demand and supply, and for people of the state it is worst and intolerable time to pass it because of power cuts and scorching heat outside. Certainly this year belongs to the public of state as far government policies are concerns.
    In there efforts to reach maximum number of people, state government is using technology and through SMS’s it is forwarding reports of development projects which took place especially of electricity sector and air travel sector. Details of both SMS’s categories are-
  • In the year 2013 Punjab State will become power surplus state and every household of the state will get 24 hours electricity, due to investment in the power sector of half the trillion of rupees during past four years and these power projects will generate ten thousand megawatts of electricity.
  • Soon from Mohali, Amritsar and Ludhiana Airports International flights will start and from Sahnewal and Bhathinda domestic flights will commence.
  • Jagriti Magazine will get facelift and through this magazine state government will count its milestones, this magazine will available to the public free of cost.
Another initiatives state government has in pipelines and soon it will comes into force is Right To Service, which will help general public to get there work done in score of government department in set time frame, total forty eight services are bound to include in Right To Service Act, services like ration cards, F.I.R, Birth and Death certificates, License, Registries will comes under the ambit of RTS and failure to provide services in stipulated time by government departments there will be provision of fine from rupees five hundred to five thousand rupees, as per belief of experts it will comes into force through ordinance after budget session and it will not put in assembly by government in anticipation of obstacles from opposition parties. Under Right To Service Act below coded time frame is going to set in different government department –
  • One Day – At Village level authentication of all the documents by Patwari.
  • One Day – At tehsil level Sub Registrar or Joint Registrar will issue sale deed, lease deed, GPA, Partnership deed and other documents registration.
  • One Day – S.H.O. will have to register FIR or DDR.
  • Two Days – Birth and Death certificate of current year.
  • Two Days – Under Hindu Marriage, Registration of marriage.
  • Three Days – Birth and Death certificate of past years.
  • Three Days – Big purchase or expansion registration.
  • Seven Days – Local bodies, rural water supply, sanitation department will issue water supply and sewerage connections.
  • Seven Days – Tax clearance.
  • Seven Days - Transfer of Vehicles.
  • Seven Days - Application under armed act.
  • Seven Days - Ration card.
  • Seven Days – fitness certificate for commercial vehicles.
  • Fifteen Days – armed or renew license.
  • Fifteen Days – Issue of O.B.C. income and residence certificate.
  • Fifteen Days – Certificate of prepared building.
  • Fifteen Days – Selling of retransfer of property.
  • Twenty One Days – R.C. of vehicles.
  • Twenty One Days – Driving License of Car, Motorcycles, Scooters etc.etc.
  • Twenty One Days – Police verification of every type.
  • Twenty One Days – N.O.C., duplicate allotments.
  • Thirty Days – Five hundred yard plot.
  • Thirty Days – social benefits for aged, widow and handicapped persons.
  • Thirty Days – Copy of Postmortem reports.
  • Forty Five Days –Transfer of property in case of dead person.
  • Sixty Days – No deed certificate.
  • Sixty Days – All categories Handicapped ID cards.
In case desire person does not get response from any government departments in stipulated time than he/she can appeal to the concerned departments’ district Head or SDM of division or Deputy Commissioner, but along with it senior officers are complaining of shortage of staff and RTS are going to put additional burden on to them. Certainly it’s not the headaches of public and this comes into the domain of government and its employees but public is going to enjoy and benefit from RTS tool, hopefully for public lot more state government has store for them like this.