Today is festival of colours Holi, whole country is drown in the flavour of Holi celebrations as everybody takes part with zeal and zest in the celebration of Holi festival whether its children, young, old, men, women, boys, girls, politicians, actors or common men. Traditionally it is celebrated with dry multi colours and wet (easily washable) different colours but with time some more stuff added in the bouquet of celebrations like balloons filled with water or colours, eggs, paints & grease, but these are weapons of mischievous groups and young brigade of Holi celebrators. From morning onwards till five of evening groups of boys and girls roams in the street and colours known and other persons whom they find on there way; often reports of fighting ; eve teasing registered in the books of authorities, but one cannot deny the fun, frolics, jolliness, entertainment and enthusiasm during the Holi festival celebrations, so folks
HAPPY HOLI from Family
Trilochan Jaswal members.
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