Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year 2009

Tomorrow is the new day but its not same like other days because with this day there will be beginning of new year which store with it next three hundred and sixty five days which will go in history having tag of 2009 whatever will happen good or bad during these 365 days ,of course its really a very long time and if we convert it into hours then it become 8760 hours and for a person this is a precious time and he can do wonderful things with his positive attitude towards his approach whenever and whatever he do any action make the outcome of it unbelievable, can achieve if he have goal in his mind make it reality which appear from distant (past time) a dream and can conquer the world as there is saying :-
So what if we are small but we are big enough to conquer this world
But it demand only positive mind ,strong will power and hard work from its executor and keep on checking in coming days himself how much he is near or away from his goal then keep on changing strategy as per demand by circumstances. When we look around the achievements by the human beings which appear miraculous if we focus as a layman but at the same time if we are in search of inspiration then it give amazing mentally boost that its also created by a human being and creator did it from scratch so if he can do this from zero then I can also do certainly with less efforts and having goal in mind ,as around us everything creation by its creator not physically but by mind like Electronics,Machinery,buildings,achievement on space, Aircraft and its list is so long that I can add on titles and putting commons for days then still I will be specific only for very few.
So I wish that all the reader of this article left behind there negative energy and failure of past , treat them as per below coded saying :-
Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm
And there is no doubt that any action lead us away from our target :-
An attempt may be failure, but there should not be failure of attempt
But its also said on other side of it if we treat our outcome as coin which has two side one we got but its other side also belong to us which read :-
It's wise to keep in mind neither success nor failure is ever final
If our action got us the result of success its simply because we did it with both combination required by any action that is mind and physical strength but if we are failure there was some holes in our approach and move ahead again with below coded saying as source of light and inspiration in yourgoodself mind :-
Failure is opportunity to begin again, more intelligently
Yes yes then this whole process which you started and was dream because it had not taken any shape and was not reality which you was hoping, your action was which is responsible for outcome courtesy your mind, hard work and action ,but we are liable to get only
Whether you believe you can do something or you believe you cannot you are right
So there is necessity to remove the
From the lexicon of your Mind.
Wishing all the reader a very very Happy and prosperous New Year 2009.

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WELCOME n Thanx for yourgoodself's valuable thoughts, certainly for me these words are Gem and will give me direction.........Nartan Gulal