Monday, September 14, 2009

Blood Donation !

We entered in 21st Centaury and scientists have achieved amazing success in every field relating to human beings whether it is medical, entertainment, luxury, electronics, Travel sector to name a few which make today’s life more comfortable and easy, but inspite of all achievements by human till date scientists are not successful to create alternative of our bodies top most requirement that is blood and that’s why blood donors from countless years playing the role of survivor as far blood requirements by us is concern, blood groups are individual differences in proteins and/or carbohydrates that make up part of the red blood cell membrane. Most of them are inherited just like you inherit eye or hair colour. Human of the world will love to add themselves in this noble cause but because there are lot of myths in our mind relating to blood donation that’s why people step ahead at the time of emergency only and if these myths washed away with authentic and scientific manner then in my opinion then there will be huge jump of blood donors, so below are facts reveal by experts and doctors - Facts about blood donation -
1. Person above 18 years of age and over 50 Kgs. in weight can donate blood once in three months.
2. A normal adult has five to six liters of blood in his/her body of which only 300 ml is used during blood donation.
3. This blood is replaced by your body within 24 to 48 hours.
4. No special diet, rest or medicine is required after blood donation.
5. The donor should not have taken any medicine in the last 48 hours.
6. The donor should not have contacted jaundice in the previous three years.
7. Every donor is given a medical checkup prior to donation to see if he/she is medically fit and doesn't suffer from anemia, high blood pressure etc.,
8. The donor cannot contract AIDS or any other disease by donating blood.
9. At the time of giving blood he should not take any intoxication past twenty four hours.
10. The body contains 10 to 12 pints of blood. Your whole blood donation is approximately one pint and for a platelet donation, the amount collected depends on your height, weight and platelet count. Most blood donations are processed and available for use within 48 hours. Each unit of whole blood normally is separated into several components. Red blood cells may be stored under refrigeration for a maximum of 42 days, or they may be frozen for up to 10 years. Red cells carry oxygen and are used to treat anemia.
Human Blood groups are divided into eight categories and they are –
1. A Rh- positive
2. A Rh-negative
3. B Rh- positive
4. B Rh-negative
5. AB Rh- positive
6. AB Rh- negative
7. O Rh-postive
8. O Rh-negative
As per Experts and Doctors at the time of an emergency, anyone can receive type O red blood cells, and type AB individuals can receive red blood cells of any ABO type. Therefore, people with type O blood are known as “universal donors,” and those with type AB blood are known as “universal recipients.” In addition, AB plasma donors can give to all blood types. In India lot of organisations, individuals are part of blood donation initiative movements but still there are many patients suffering from blood disorders who need frequent blood transfusion all round the year. Especially children suffering from Thallesemia who need two transfusions every month. If a donor adopts a patient for blood transfusion, life will be so easy for these patients. These donors will only donate blood to the patient he/she adopts and if that is not possible then please at least once in your life show courage and must donate blood but voluntarily so that it give you proud that once you was part of noble cause without any interest, selfishness and advantage.Although World celebrates Blood Donation day on every year 14 June but we should not bound ourselves on particular day and go for Blood Donation after three months gap and show our commitments for brotherhood of humanity.

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