What is the situation of law and order in a country or state? To get exact picture of crime graph answer lies in there capital’s and if people are not safe and incidence of crime like robbery, murder are happening in the capital extensively, then certainly one can assume with ease that its other part are in worst condition as far law and order is concern, as it is not possible for law and order authority to place on every nook and corner of state its personals, moreover authority use its best initiatives in the state capital considering the cream inhabitants of area, unfortunately right now India’s two capitals and incidentally both are Union territories are in news because of wrong reasons and there crime graph is right now not under control of authorities, incidences’ of robbery, eve teasing, rape, murder, chain snatching are on rise and these two union territories are India’s capital New Delhi and Punjab and Haryana states capital Chandigarh, if we go to the different stats available then it prove the words that yes situation of law and order in both the U.T.’s are not satisfactory and from authority side lot more harsh actions desire before people lost faith and confidence.
Report of Police authority of India’s Capital New Delhi is very horrifying as far woman safety in the capital is concern and report reveal that in every eighteen hours one woman raped and in every fourteen hours one case of eve teasing happened, below is detail of stats during last two years-
- 2009 – four hundred and fifty nine rape cases were registered & five hundred and twenty eight cases of eve teasing.
- 2010 – four hundred and eighty nine rape cases were registered & five hundred and eighty five cases of eve teasing registered.
- Plus it was seen jump of three percent crime in the year 2010 compare to last year and figure was 50,972 crime reports in the year 2009 and in the year 2010 the figure of crime reports registered shoots to 52,675.
- 2002- - Sheila Khanna
- 2002 – Ramesh Chawla
- 2003 – Simranjeet Kaur
- 2005 - Sundar Agnihotri
- 2008- Kashmir Singh
- 2010 – Neha
To have confidence in the heart and minds of the residents, authorities needs to take tough steps and take control of chaos on to the capitals and other part of country because the way graph of crime shooting not in the remote areas but capitals is not good for common public confidence.
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