Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Labour Crisis & Punjab Industries

Industrial developments basic pillars are –
·        Labour
·        Electricity and Water (Utility)
·        Uninterrupted availability of Raw Material
·        Competitive price of products
·        Sales strategy
·        Economical and durability of products
·        Brands grip on the mindset of masses
Other then labour all others are secondary issues’ or have less importance. In the past Punjab State Industries were getting free flow of migrant labour from the poor states of the country like Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, where chances of getting good monthly packages’ were very limited, thus residents of these states look towards prosperous state and Punjab State was top in their list, but it is the story of past and before the tenure of Nitish Kumar in Bihar as Chief Minister. As with every passing month and year Bihar state started marching ahead on the path of prosperity, simply due to Nitish Kumar’s efficient and honest governance. He strongly blocks holes for corruption from the government schemes and government departments of the state which have direct link with public and prosperity of state, result of it after state enters seventh year of his rule, now state is much improved on score of issues’ like –
·        Corruption
·        Misuse of government funds
·        Time bound services to the public
·        Seizure of corrupt officers property
·        Distribute cycles to the girl students
reason of it residents of the state which prefer to work in other parts of the country started getting good opportunities in their home town itself, hence now scenario has change and now they prefer to stay in their home town with good opportunities, but it is the hard fact that it effects Punjab state Industries directly and very badly as now industrialists are facing heat of it in the shape of shortage of labour which is resulting in downfall of their productions. 
Recently as per news Manchester of Punjab that is ludhiana complaining of shortage of migrant labour as now in their hometown with their families score of doors are open with good opportunities which increases attractive monthly packages comparatively they were getting in other states under exploitation. Considering shortage of migrant labour which has no alternative industrial houses have thrown lucrative offers to migrant labour by not only increasing salaries packages’ but also adds other benefits along with shrinking the working hours -
·        Working hours shrinks from eight hours to seven hours
·        Cell phone benefits
·        Will get cycle which will help them to travel from their living place to working areas without spending extra money
·        Add house rent from five hundred rupees to one thousand rupees in their salaries 
As per information which is pouring from different sources migrant labour which are working in the plants of Punjab now started putting pressure on the unit owners and threat to leave the work, like-
·        Now labour don’t listen factory owners advise nicely and positively and threat to leave if they will get any words from them.
·        Now labour which has to recruit at the knitwear plants demanding bonus on to per piece.
·        To lure migrant labour they seek that Punjab government should issue ration cards and provide them eatable stuff at subsidize rates.
Impact of shortage of labour is seen on every sector whether it is knitwear, cycle or any other unit of ludhiana, owners are unable to get required labour, thus their output has fallen drastically from fifteen to twenty percent only because of labour shortage, now as they have thrown their cards in the shape of benefits to the migrant labour it has yet to seen how much it will give them yield of labour, other wise industrial house will left with no other option but to give labour much more handsome packages’ they are getting in their hometown, so that they can continue running their units.

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